Blog 10.12.2024 Indonesia’s educational transformation: Investing in quality teachers for tomorrow This blog was submitted by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in the framework of the Teacher Task Force
Nouvelles 15.11.2024 Launch of the Chinese Version of the Global Report on Teachers at the 4th Global Forum for Teacher Development The Chinese version of the Teacher Task Force and UNESCO Global Report on Teachers, Addressing teacher shortages and
Blog 24.10.2024 Pathways for refugee and (im)migrant teachers: Welcoming transnational educator talent to schools and addressing #TeachersMissing This blog was submitted by Childhood Education International and authored by Julie Kasper in the framework of the Teacher
Vidéo Let's value teacher voices - #TeachersMissing Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future by nurturing students and driving educational progress. However, to fully
Nouvelles 03.10.2024 Valuing teacher voices: Towards a new social contract for education This blog was authored by the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) and UNESCO in the framework of
Blog 24.09.2024 How blended CPD learning can help address the global shortage of qualified teachers This blog was submitted by VVOB - education for development and a consortium of other organizations in the framework of the
Blog 12.07.2024 Investing in teachers delivers positive returns for students This blog was submitted by the Global Partnership for Education Secretariat in the framework of the Teacher Task Force
Blog 17.06.2024 #TeachersMissing : la crise mondiale des enseignants a un impact sur notre avenir collectif Le réseau de l’Équipe spéciale sur les enseignants a lancé sa campagne de plaidoyer #TeachersMissing lors de l’événement de
Nouvelles 01.01.2025 Lancement du processus de révision de la Stratégie continentale de l’éducation pour l’Afrique (CESA) 2016-2025 de l’Union africaine Cet article a été publié à l’origine sur le site de l’Institut international de l’UNESCO pour le renforcement des capacités
Nouvelles 01.12.2024 14e Forum de dialogue politique - Répondre aux pénuries mondiales d’enseignants Cet article a été rédigé conjointement par l’Équipe spéciale sur les enseignants et le département de l’éducation de base d