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Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa

The Teacher Task Force is one of the implementing partners of the Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa (RTIA), spanning 2024-2028. The initiative, funded by the European Union, aims to support African countries to raise both the quality of teacher education and training, and contribute to increasing the availability of qualified teachers.

The Teacher Task Force will mobilize its network to contribute to the initiative, and will conduct activities in alignment with the main lines of action of its Strategic Plan:

  • Knowledge production and dissemination: The Teacher Task Force Knowledge Platform will be leveraged as a central repository for exchanging relevant policy documents as well as teacher support materials produced or mobilized by RTIA partners. New modules will be produced by the TTF and UNESCO to accompany the Teacher Policy Development Guide for use in countries, and background papers commissioned to support the production of Africa Teacher Reports.

Access here the policy resources and here the teacher resources produced or identified under the RTIA.

  • Advocacy: The Teacher Task Force will organize targeted advocacy campaigns developed and implemented in collaboration with the EU partners and in line with the RTIA objectives.

Learn about the #TeachersMissing advocacy campaign.

  • Regional policy learning: The Teacher Task Force will foster policy learning between the countries targeted by the EU facility, in the spirit of south-south cooperation, and incentivize exchanges with EU Member States through the organisation of workshops on selected topics and the documentation of peer learning via the Knowledge Platform. 

Read more about the 14th Policy Dialogue Forum, which happened in February 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Other implementing partners of the Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa include the African Union, Belgium, Finland, France and UNESCO.

More information will be added to this page as the initiative unfolds.

Photo: Ms Adeleke Gbaguidi is inspector of primary education within the framework of the Graines de Paix project, awardee of the 2022 UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development. Credit: UNESCO/Yanick Foly.


EU funded