Knowledge Hub
Displaying 73 - 84 of 590
From barriers to boosters: initial teacher education for inclusive science education
The paper presents a literature review on current barriers and boosters in the context of initial science teacher education for inclusion. The authors argue that current science teacher education...
Teacher quality and cross-country differences in learning in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper studies the effects of two dimensions of teacher quality, subject knowledge and didactic skills, on student learning in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa. It uses data from an international...
Safe to learn: what do teachers think and do about violence in schools?
This study presents the results of a survey of around 35,000 teachers (81% of whom were from Latin America) conducted for a UNESCO study as part of the Safe to Learn initiative to end violence in...
Teachers for all. Améliorer l'équité dans l’allocation des enseignants à Madagascar
Teachers for All vise à analyser l’affectation des enseignants d’éducation primaire dans 12 pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne, et à utiliser des preuves concrètes pour soutenir les gouvernements de la...
Teachers for all. Improving primary school teacher deployment in Zambia
Teachers for All is a mixed-methods and multi-phase research programme that generates evidence on primary school teacher allocation. This report presents findings from Zambia to support policymakers...
An ed-tech tragedy? Educational technologies and school closures in the time of COVID-19
An Ed-Tech Tragedy? is a detailed analysis of what happened when education became largely reliant on connected technology during school closures stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the largest global...
Altruism or money? Reducing teacher sorting using behavioral strategies in Peru
Inequality in access to high-quality teachers is an important driver of student socioeconomic achievement gaps. This article experimentally evaluates a novel nation-wide low-cost government program...
Working and learning together. Rethinking human resource policies for schools
The staff working in schools are the most important resource for today’s education systems, both educationally and financially. This report aims to provide guidance for the design of human resource...
Policy document
Guidance for generative AI in education and research
The guidance introduces main generative AI technologies and the diverse models currently available. It also proposes policy recommendations to regulate ethical issues and promote inclusion and equity...
Teacher attributions of workload increase in public sector schools: Reflections on change and policy development
This article presents data drawn from a large survey of Australian public-school teachers’ work. Analysis of both quantitative and qualitative reports indicates a widespread teacher perception of...
Who becomes a teacher and why?
This paper reports on a comprehensive review of international evidence, synthesising the findings of some of the strongest empirical work on the main factors influencing people's decisions to be...
Influence of personal characteristics on teacher attrition in public secondary in Kenya
Attrition of teachers has been a challenge facing most public secondary schools in Uasin Gishu County Kenya. Research studies have been conducted to check on the factors that influence the attrition...