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Strengthening multi-partner cooperation to support teacher policy and improve learning. Project evaluation

This evaluation report presents the findings of the independent Final Evaluation of the Norad-funded project ‘Strengthening multi-partner cooperation to support teacher policy and improve learning. The project, which comprises seven partner organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF, the UNHCR, ILO, GPE, EI and the World Bank) and four participating countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi and Uganda), envisaged two strategic outcomes: First, the project focused on improving coordination among partner organizations involved in setting teacher policies, both at global and at national level. Second, the project sought to support the development of national teacher policies that impact teaching and learning, and contribute to the teacher policy target of Sustainable Development Goal 4.c.

This evaluation assesses the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, likelihood of impact and sustainability of the project. The report contains recommendations for the partners, to improve similar interventions in the future. The methodology for the evaluation included a review of project documentation; interviews with project partners at a global level; interviews with project staff, beneficiaries and stakeholders in the four countries; a survey; and a final workshop involving the global partners to discuss the partnership’s sustainability.

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