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Teacher Resource Centre

Welcome to the Teacher Resource Centre, the Teacher Task Force knowledge hub for teachers. The Teacher Resource Centre provides a single access point to resources directly related to teaching practices such as lesson plans, curriculum development guides, teacher training opportunities and the latest research on pedagogies.

It aims to support teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers and practitioners in general, by giving them access to a curated repository of materials that will inspire and support them in their practice.

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Teaching resources

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Guía docente para el desarrollo de la lectoescritura emergente. Incluye orientaciones para su tratamiento en contextos bilingües

Guía de apoyo al trabajo docente, cuyo contenido fortalece las competencias metodológicas de los docentes para orientar el desarrollo de habilidades de la lectoescritura emergente, en el idioma materno, de las niñas y niños atendidos en el nivel de preprimaria. La guía está estructurada en dos partes:

I parte: fortalece los conocimientos acerca de la competencia de lectoescritura y de la etapa de lectoescritura emergente en particular, enfatiza el papel que juega la escuela y la importancia de aprender en el idioma materno.

II parte: describe las habilidades de la lectoescritura emergente y para cada una, sugerencias de actividades para realizar en el aula.  Además, ofrece orientaciones específicas para desarrollar estas habilidades en contextos bilingües.

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  • 2024

Global citizenship education in a digital age: teacher guidelines

This publication has been designed both for new and experienced teachers, as well as other professionals working in non-formal education settings that engage with upper primary and secondary students.  


1.By using principles of GCED, digital citizenship, and media and information literacy, the guidelines aim to build the capacities of teachers to prepare learners to understand the implications of global and digital transformations on education, and to build opportunities to practice ethical and responsible behaviours in physical and digital environments. They provide guidance on tapping into the positive potential of the digital transformation, including through new access to information, possibilities of connection, and the creation of tailored content.  

2. Build learners’ capacities to think critically about the influences and content that they encounter and engage in creating in physical and digital spaces. 

3. Shape learners’ understanding of global challenges and how they can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through globally oriented digital citizenship.

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Boîte à outils sur la politique européenne de protection de la nature

Cette boîte à outils sur la protection de la nature aide les élèves à comprendre l'importance de la biodiversité et les menaces pesant sur la nature en Europe. Elle aborde les actions de l'UE pour protéger les écosystèmes et encourage les élèves à s'impliquer. Organisée en quatre modules, elle propose des activités interactives qui favorisent la réflexion, la collaboration, et la sensibilisation à la nature. Les élèves sont invités à explorer la nature, comprendre les enjeux de conservation, et développer des compétences pour contribuer à un monde plus durable. Des ressources complémentaires sont également fournies. 

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Boite à outils éducative pour lutter contre les stéréotypes sexistes à l'école primaire

Cet ouvrage est une boîte à outils destinée aux enseignants du primaire pour aborder l'égalité des genres et le secteur des transports avec les élèves de 6 à 7 ans. Basé sur un apprentissage actif, il propose des grilles d’auto-évaluation pour les enseignants, ainsi que des activités pédagogiques sur les stéréotypes sexistes et les métiers dans le transport. L'objectif est de montrer aux élèves que les carrières dans ce domaine sont accessibles à tous, sans distinction de genre. L'enseignant y trouvera également les supports nécessaires à la réalisation des activités.

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Research materials

Learn about the latest research on teaching practices and pedagogies.

Édubref n°18 - Des outils didactiques pour enseigner et apprendre

ÉduBref propose dans un format court et abordable de revenir sur des travaux et études universitaires sur les pratiques éducatives. Depuis le contexte français, ce numéro propose de revenir sur la notion d’outils didactiques, de la façon dont l’objet est traité dans la recherche académique à son apparition dans les programmes scolaires. Il propose également une réflexion sur les possibles collaborations entre les concepteurs d’outils didactiques et leurs usagers en plus de présenter des méthodologies d’appropriation par les enseignants. 

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Édubref n°19 - La direction d'école : quels héritages ?

ÉduBref propose dans un format court et abordable de revenir sur des travaux et études universitaires sur les pratiques éducatives. Ce numéro est dédié à la direction scolaire dans le primaire en France. On y retrouve une histoire de la fonction de directeur.rice du XIXème siècle à nos jours, l’évolution des lois et décrets encadrant la profession. L’autrice y présente également certains défis et enjeux actuels.

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Édubref n°22 - Enseigner, oui mais à deux ?

ÉduBref propose dans un format court et abordable de revenir sur des travaux et études universitaires sur les pratiques éducatives. Ici, l'autrice présente les récentes recherches sur l'enseignement à plusieurs afin de bousculer la vision persistante de l’enseignant seul face à la classe et de montrer les avantages que peut avoir l’enseignement partagé. Ces pratiques sont notamment abordées dans le cadre d’une éducation inclusive dans le contexte français.

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  • 2015

Pedagogical Documentation Revisited

This monograph explores how pedagogical documentation can contribute to realizing Ontario’s renewed vision for education by bringing assessment for and as learning to life. Because pedagogical documentation is intended to uncover the student’s thinking and learning processes, it has the potential to help us look at learning in new ways, to assess flexibly with particular needs in mind and to individualize and differentiate our response. 

Pedagogical documentation allows educators to see how thinking, learning, curriculum and assessment are intertwined. It offers them the opportunity to contribute to a fuller understanding of learning and to advance the research on effective practice, both locally and internationally.

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Professional development

Access resources and training opportunities to further develop your pedagogical knowledge and practice.

  • 2023

Pedagogies of Belonging: Educators Building Welcoming Communities in Settings of Conflict and Migration

What would it take to ensure that all young people have access to learning that enables them to feel a sense of belonging and prepares them to help build more peaceful and equitable futures? This is a question we have found educators in contexts of conflict and migration ask of themselves each day. And each day, in classrooms around the world, educators are acting in response to this question.

Educators are figuring out what to teach, ways to teach, and how to foster relationships of learning and belonging.

We learn from educators how they create space for dissent, for dialogue, for trust, for new identities, for future-building, and how they envision and build newly imagined and welcoming communities.

Pedagogies of belonging, featured in this book and in its title, emerge from these ways of thinking and acting by educators. We see across educators that what they teach, how they teach, and why they teach in the ways they do come together to enable all young people to feel a sense of belonging and prepare them to help build more peaceful and equitable futures.

This book is about educators and for educators. It is about the practices educators have developed to create welcoming communities in settings of conflict and migration. Each chapter is a “microportrait” of one educator who we have come to know by spending time in their classroom and school.

We focus on the why and the how of practices educators use. We show, through text and art, how educators learn about their students’ experiences, needs, and desires. We describe how educators develop practices to meet these learning and belonging goals. And we recognize how educators address struggles that necessarily arise in this work. We hope the practices give us each ideas to try out in our own classrooms, schools, and other educational sites.

Each microportrait is grounded in research about educator practices. Authors of the microportraits came to know the educators through research projects that included interviews, observations, and sometimes participatory methods. Each project was at least a few months and at times spanned many years. The microportraits include links to articles that can support deeper learning about the contexts and practices of the educators.

This book is a collective project, and we welcome your participation. The intention of this book is that it lives and grows to include more microportraits over time and more patterns of practices that may emerge. Please be in touch with suggestions, to share your experiences with the practices of these educators, or to contribute a microportrait to the collection.

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Activité pour apprendre à créer une Ressource Éducative Libre, étape par étape

Cette formation, proposée par la chaire UNESCO RELIA de l’université de Nantes, vise à créer une Ressource Éducative Libre en quelques étapes simples. Elle se concentre sur les aspects pratiques tels que les droits d’utilisation, les licences disponibles et les méthodes de partage des ressources. Cet atelier permet de travailler en autonomie à travers des cours et des activités pratiques.

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Estrategias de liderazgo docente para la mejora de aprendizaje y clima en el aula

Este seminario se centrará en identificar las características y desafíos de la gestión de aula. Abordaremos temas como el liderazgo docente y el uso de medios digitales en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA). También trata de la gestión de recursos en aulas virtuales, sus características y los retos para mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. La inscripción es necesaria, pero el seminario es completamente gratuito y accesible para todos.

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A course for the ages: project-based learning with eTwinning/Erasmus+ for interculturality

In the blended-learning course, guest speakers such as eTwinning moderators and ITE ambassadors from Germany and Europe give motivating talks to the student teachers about their experiences. The course meets via Zoom once a week for 90 minutes. All the classwork and learning activities take place via a Moodle classroom, so students don’t travel anywhere.

This course won the eTwinning for future teachers – European Award for Initial Teacher Education and they are seeking to share their course with other Initial Teacher Education institutions. Access an OER syllabus for the course here.

For more information about the course, taking part in projects, registering for the October 2024 Stuttgart University course or becoming a guest speaker, please contact Professor Richard Powers at

Link for syllabus:

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Upcoming training opportunities

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How to design an electronic lesson in 24 hours

Learning design for smart learning.
Defines the general landscape of instructional design in smart education.
Understand the five steps of lesson planning in Smart Learning.
Explains the requirements for designing a session in smart learning.
Design a smart learning session using Google Classroom.

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Social and emotional learning for schools

This is a dual certifying course that combines social and emotional learning (SEL) for classrooms and SEL for teachers. The objective of the certification is to enhance personal well-being and build the professional capacity of teachers for SEL.

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How to become a remote teacher in 24 hours

Recognize e-learning technology.
Identify the main components of e-learning.
Identify tools for managing the educational process in e-learning.
Uses the tools of the educational process: Moodle Cloud.

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Thu, 01/12/2023 00:23

Online Learning Design for Educators Specialization

Specialization offering three courses for educators seeking to improve and expand their repertoire of online teaching skills related to the design, development and delivery of effective and engaging online courses and lessons for school age and adult learners. It includes three courses: "Online education: The foundations of online teaching", "Create video, audio and infographics for online learning", "Online teaching: Using Zoom to connect with learners". It is possible to audit the courses for free.

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Fri, 10/18/2024 12:00

Free webinar: International Trends in Open and Distance Education

Massey University and Open Polytechnic present a free webinar with ICDE Secretary General, Torunn Gjelsvik. The Secretary General will discuss international trends in distance and open education related to access, equity and scalability. Dr Mark Nichols from Open Polytechnic, the President of ICDE, will also join the conversation, together with Professor Giselle Byrnes, Provost of Massey University. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session 

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Wed, 10/23/2024 08:00

Sciences participatives : tous naturalistes en herbe

Ce webinaire de 60 minutes, destiné au contexte éducatif français, explore les sciences participatives, comme l'observation de la biodiversité ou l'identification des insectes et vers de terre. Il présente l'intérêt pédagogique de ces programmes en permettant aux élèves de participer à la recherche scientifique. Les enseignants découvriront comment intégrer ces dispositifs en classe, ainsi que les ressources et outils (programmes, applications) disponibles. Le webinaire aborde aussi les pièges à éviter dans l'utilisation des sciences participatives à l'école. Deux dates sont proposées en 2024 : le 23 octobre et le 2 décembre. L'inscription est gratuite et ouverte à tous et à toutes. 

Other Resource Centres

The number of partners offering resources for teachers across the world is increasing and it is not always easy to find your way around existing platforms. Access here a list of platforms curated by the TTF team, with a description of the types of contents and languages available. The list includes platforms from TTF members and beyond.

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