Centro de conocimientos
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Note sur les mécanismes de support aux enseignants burkinabè dans leurs pratiques pédagogiques liées à l’enseignement des compétences fondamentales
Cette note traite de la mise en évidence des mécanismes de support aux enseignants burkinabè et de leurs apports à l’amélioration des compétences des enseignants en enseignement de la lecture et des...
The teachers who leave. Teacher attrition in Burkina Faso
High teacher attrition affects education systems through direct costs in replacing teachers who left the service, and indirect costs in classroom disruption and loss in experience. Efforts to address...
Strengthening multi-partner cooperation to support teacher policy and improve learning. Project evaluation
This evaluation report presents the findings of the independent Final Evaluation of the Norad-funded project ‘Strengthening multi-partner cooperation to support teacher policy and improve learning...
Summary report: WTD 2023 - Global pathways to an attractive teaching profession workshop
Summary report of the online workshop Global pathways to an attractive teaching profession, that was held on 6th October 2023 on the occasion of World Teachers' Day celebrations. The workshop, co...
Eléments et mesures d'attraction et de maintien des enseignants au Burkina Faso
Présentation par Tahirou Traore, coordonnateur national de la Coalition nationale pour l'Education pour tous du Burkina Faso, lors de l'atelier en ligne Global pathways to an attractive teaching...
Supporting teachers through policy development. Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa
This publication shares the experience of nine sub-Saharan African countries which used the Teacher Policy Development Guide developed by the Teacher Task Force and UNESCO. It contains new insights...
Survey of teachers in pre-primary education (STEPP): lessons from the implementation of the pilot study and field trial of international survey instruments
The Survey of Teachers in Pre-primary Education (STEPP) is the first international early childhood care and education (ECCE) personnel survey designed for low-and-middle-income countries, aiming to...
Documento de política pública
Plan de acción trienal 2021-2023 de la Estrategia nacional sobre la cuestión docente en Burkina Faso (también conocido como PAT 2021-2023 de la SNAQUE)
Burkina Faso ha elaborado una Estrategia nacional sobre la cuestión docente (SNAQUE) para el período 2021-2025. Entre los motivos para elaborar la estrategia se encuentra el deseo de cumplir no solo...
Documento de política pública
Estrategia nacional sobre la cuestión docente en Burkina Faso (SNAQUE) 2021-2025
Los resultados preliminares del estudio sobre la cuestión docente realizados en 2019, con el apoyo técnico y financiero de la UNESCO, muestran que en la planificación de las actividades en el ámbito...
Estrategias de aprendizaje a distancia y de formación de docentes. Lecciones extraídas en el Caribe
Este informe describe el proyecto de Estrategias de aprendizaje a distancia y de formación de docentes en los PEID (pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo) del Caribe, que se puso en marcha en 2021...
Publicación periódica
UNHCR Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa - Education Newsletter #22
Teachers have been on the front line in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has significantly added to the already immense challenges they face in subSaharan Africa. Despite these many...
Seminar Series on The Future of the Teaching Profession in Africa 2020 - Consensus Document
This Consensus Document is the outcome of the third seminar series on The Future of the Teaching Profession in Africa 2020 and the high level discussion which took place in the fall 2020, in the...