Blog 07.04.2021 Teaching on the front line The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 has released a new Fact Sheet on how teachers have been affected
News 26.03.2021 الشيخ حمدان.. فارس التميز والإحسان تسعى مؤسسة حمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم، والتي أسسها سمو الشيخ حمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم في عام 1998، إلى تعزيز الجودة والتميز في
News 23.03.2021 Global Teaching Insights during Covid-19 - A joint OECD – UNESCO – TTF initiative Crowdsourcing teacher innovations In November 2020 the OECD, UNESCO and the Teacher Task Force issued an invitation for
Blog 23.03.2021 Vaccinating teachers is crucial for returning to school This blog was first published on March 15, 2021, on the Global Partnership for Education website. As countries roll out plans
Blog 22.03.2021 Enhancing teacher deployment in Sierra Leone: Using spatial analysis to address disparity This blog has been written by Paul Atherton and Alasdair Mackintosh from Fab Inc. Sierra Leone has made significant progress
Blog 22.02.2021 A reflection on teachers’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic: Where do we go from here? This blog has been written by Lisa E. Kim & Kathryn Asbury from the Department of Education, University of York, UK. As
Blog 03.02.2021 Teachers as Tutors: Evidence from Africa This blog was written by Mark Bray, UNESCO Chair Professor in Comparative Education at the University of Hong Kong, and
Blog 22.01.2021 This is how we're supporting teachers around the world in 2021 This International Day of Education, celebrated on Sunday 24 January, will recognise the inspiring collaborations around the
Blog 18.01.2021 Teachers at the centre of a revitalised education system In the lead up to International Day for Education, the Teacher Task Force spoke to Michelle Codrington-Rogers, who is a
Blog 14.01.2021 What we learned from the first phase of the Survey of teachers in pre-primary education (STEPP) project Research shows that teachers and educators are the cornerstone of quality early childhood care and education (ECCE). Good
Blog 04.01.2021 How the global school testing culture takes a heavy toll on teachers’ morale This blog draws substantially from the recent open-access article School Testing Culture and Teacher Satisfaction by William