Centre de Ressources pour les Enseignants
Affichage de 1 à 18 sur 18
Mathematics lesson starters for Grade 3 learners
A set of teacher guides containing each 6 Mental Mathematics Lesson Starter units for Grade 3 learners, in alignment with the South African curriculum. A different calculation strategy is in focus in each unit. These calculation strategies are taken from the curriculum. Each unit covers a particular group of connected skills, and the aim is to move learners on from counting in ones on their fingers or with tally marks on paper.
Each unit is three weeks long; it begins and ends with a short test for the learners. Marking these tests provides information for the teacher and the learners about how much they have improved in using that particular set of skills during the three weeks. Within each unit, the focus is on three types of calculations: fluency, strategic calculating and strategic thinking.
Working through the Lesson Starters in each unit should lead to improvements in learners’ performance from the pre to post-tests. These improvements show progress in mental mathematics skills and number sense.
The guide is available in 11 official languages of South Africa.
Experiencias de aprendizaje con OctoStudio para probar en tu aula
Esta guía didáctica proporciona instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo descargar OctoStudio desde la web de ProFuturo, acompañadas de una introducción sobre cómo dar los primeros pasos en el uso de la aplicación. El objetivo principal es hacer que OctoStudio sea accesible para docentes de todos los niveles de experiencia tecnológica, facilitando así su implementación en entornos educativos diversos. OctoStudio es una aplicación desarrollada por el grupo Lifelong Kindergarten del MIT Media Lab que promete revolucionar la manera en que los educadores introducen la programación y el pensamiento computacional en las aulas.
Teaching to prevent atrocity crimes: a guide for teachers in Africa
This is UNESCO's first resource with a regional focus on teaching to prevent atrocity crimes. It was developed with the United Nations and in partnership with the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA). The guide was informed by exchanges with African stakeholders and advisors and tested through a piloting exercise with African teachers and students. It provides principles for teachers to consider in facilitating learning and constructive discussions with their students.
Gender-responsive pedagogy in early childhood education. A toolkit for teachers and school leaders
The toolkit offers an introduction to gender-responsive pedagogy in early childhood education and serves as a practical guide that can be adapted to any context and the related needs. It provides teachers at early education practical tips to ensure they are able to offer children a learning environment that is free of prejudice and stereotypes. It is a source of ideas that individual teachers and school leaders can put to immediate use in their classrooms and schools. The toolkit was pre-trialled in three countries: Rwanda, South Africa and Zambia, and it can be contextualised for implementation in different African countries.
Transformative pedagogy: a teachers’ guide for peace and resilience building in North Africa
This guide is designed to build the capacity of teachers so that they are informed and empowered in why and how to educate for peace-building. It offers an analysis of conflict, examines the role of ethics, expands on the elements of transformative pedagogy. It also provides practical tools to support learners’ active participation in shaping the world around them and assess learners’ understanding of peacebuilding concepts and skills, all while engaging the community.
Autonomisation des jeunes pour la construction de la paix et de la résilience et pour la prévention de l'extrémisme violent au Sahel et dans les pays environnants
Ce guide est conçu pour renforcer les capacités des enseignants du secondaire et des formateurs d’enseignants à intégrer une approche de renforcement de la paix et de la résilience dans l’éducation pour la prévention de l’extrémisme violent. Il s'appuye sur le guide «Pédagogie transformationnelle pour la construction de la paix» et il a été élaboré dans le contexte du Sahel et des pays voisins.
Le guide redéfinit le rôle des enseignants en les invitant à opérer un changement de paradigme consistant à adopter une pédagogie transformationnelle permettant aux apprenants de participer activement à leur propre apprentissage. La pédagogie transformationnelle que propose le guide se refère à la pédagogie active et à l’approche par les compétences (APC). Pour ce faire, le guide propose des activités visant un apprentissage par la pratique.
Transformative pedagogy for peace-building
This guide is designed to build the capacity of teachers so that they are informed and empowered in why and how to educate for peace-building. It offers an analysis of conflict, examines the role of ethics, expands on the elements of transformative pedagogy and provides practical tools to assess learners’ understanding of peacebuilding concepts and skills. It concludes with 20 engaging activities to support experiential learning.
The guide was developed as part of the "Teacher Training and Development for Peace-building in the Horn of Africa and Surrounding Countries project", which has as a long-term goal to develop a critical mass of teachers able to implement effective teaching and learning essential for preparing peace-loving and productive youth in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda.
Permettre aux élèves d’oeuvrer pour des sociétés justes: manuel pour le personnel enseignant du secondaire
Le présent manuel a pour objet de fournir au personnel enseignant une sélection de ressources éducatives pertinentes et accessibles à utiliser dans la salle de classe et en dehors de la classe (résumés d'activités de courte durée, de cours et d'unités) pour enseigner les principes de l'état de droit aux élèves du secondaire.
Il peut aussi être utilisé par le personnel qui exerce dans des cadres éducatifs non formels ou auprès de jeunes, par exemple dans des associations sportives, des organisations communautaires, le secteur du travail social et le secteur de la justice.
Le manuel pour le primaire est disponible ici.
Permettre aux élèves d’œuvrer pour des sociétés justes: manuel pour le personnel enseignant du primaire
Le présent manuel a pour objet de fournir au personnel enseignant une sélection de ressources éducatives pertinentes et accessibles à utiliser dans la salle de classe et en dehors de la classe (résumés d'activités de courte durée, de cours et d'unités) pour enseigner les principes de l'état de droit aux élèves du primaire.
Il peut aussi être utilisé par le personnel qui exerce dans des cadres éducatifs non formels ou auprès de jeunes, par exemple dans des associations sportives, des organisations communautaires, le secteur du travail social et le secteur de la justice.
Le manuel pour le secondaire est disponible ici.
A teacher's guide on the prevention of violent extremism
This is UNESCO’s first teacher’s guide on the prevention of violent extremism through education. It was developed in order to ensure its relevance in different geographical and socio-cultural contexts. Therefore, it can be used as it is or further contextualized, adapted and translated in order to respond to the specific needs of learners.
The guide seeks to:
- provides practical advice on when and how to discuss the issue of
violent extremism and radicalization with learners;
- help teachers create a classroom climate that is inclusive and conducive
to respectful dialogue, open discussion and critical thinking.
Dear Kitty: teacher's guide for the film Where is Anne Frank?
This guide provides teachers with the necessary tools to highlight historical and current themes from the animated film "Where is Anne Frank".
It includes a preparatory lesson, a lesson to discuss the film and four detailed thematic follow-up lessons. The film and the lessons are accompanied by extensive background information and ready-to-use worksheets with information, questions and assignments.
Recommendations for teaching and learning about the Holocaust
Benefiting from the expertise of delegates from more than 30 member countries, the IHRA Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust are intended to provide a basis for policymakers, practitioners, and educators that will help them:
1. Develop knowledge of the Holocaust, ensuring accuracy in individual understanding and knowledge and raising awareness about the possible consequences of antisemitism;
2. Create engaging teaching environments for learning about the Holocaust;
3. Promote critical and reflective thinking about the Holocaust including the ability to counter Holocaust denial and distortion;
4. Contribute to Human Rights and genocide prevention education
Anti-bullying teacher's handbook
This anti-cyber bullying resource is designed to enable students to develop a positive sense of themselves and a commitment to caring for themselves and others.
It includes a set of ten lesson plans that is intended to be used by teachers and schools who wish to address the issue of bullying as a whole, with particular focus on the issue of cyber bullying.
Lignes directrices pour les enseignants et les éducateurs en matière de lutte contre la désinformation et de promotion de l’habileté numérique par l’éducation et la formation
Les présentes lignes directrices proposent des orientations concrètes et pratiques aux enseignants et éducateurs, principalement du primaire et du secondaire.
Elles offrent des explications claires sur des concepts techniques, des exercices à faire en classe concernant la vérification des faits, des informations sur la manière d’encourager les «bonnes» habitudes en ligne et des moyens d’évaluer les élèves sur leurs compétences dans le domaine de l'habileté numérique.
How to help students develop reading comprehension skills
This Teacher Snippet XL looks at five key principles for teaching reading comprehension as defined in Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe, the first volume of the Research for Educators Series and is illustrated with a text from IEA's PIRLS (Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study) 2016.
Teacher's handbook remedial education
Remedial education programs provide responsive and flexible learning support for students as they continue to attend regular public-school classes. Remedial education targets students for whom the regular education system is not the best fit, providing them with content and skills needed to succeed in formal education.
This remedial education handbook is for primary school teachers who are already working in school settings and who want to begin a remedial education program. This handbook is also useful for education personnel such as principals, administrators, and counselors, and can be used for teacher training. It was designed for teachers and education personnel working in Arabic-speaking contexts as a self-guided reference that can be used to design, implement, and improve remedial education classes. It was developed based on World Vision’s experiences facilitating a remedial education program in a specific context (Jordan). However, its contents are versatile and can be applicable in many other contexts where children live in vulnerable conditions and require academic support and protection.
Teaching about refugees. Guide for teachers
This booklet will provide teachers with ideas and pedagogical approaches on how to teach about forced displacement and to use UNHCR's Teaching About Refugees teaching materials in their specific teaching context.
Transformative pedagogy for learning to live together in Southern Africa. A practical guide
This guide is designed to build the capacity of teachers and education planners so that they are informed and empowered in why and how to educate for living together and epace building . It offers an analysis of conflict, examines the role of ethics, expands on the elements of transformative pedagogy and provides practical tools to promote learners’ active participation in shaping the world around them and assess their understanding of citizenship and peacebuilding concepts.
Transformative pedagogy empowers both teachers and learners. It encourages learners to be reflective and critical thinkers capable of contributing meaningfully as members of local and global communities. It also redefines the role of teachers. Teachers become facilitators with the disposition, knowledge, skills and commitment to support students in developing their full potential as peacebuilders. This guide can serve in universities, teacher training colleges and schools.