Centre de Ressources pour les Enseignants
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Enseigner et apprendre avec le patrimoine vivant : Kit de ressources pour les enseignants
Ce kit de ressources comprend plusieurs éléments qui fournissent aux enseignants des informations sur le pourquoi et le comment de l'intégration du patrimoine vivant dans leurs activités scolaires. Il a été développé dans le cadre de l'initiative UNESCO-UE sur le patrimoine culturel et l'éducation, à l'occasion de l'Année européenne du patrimoine culturel en 2018. Il s'appuie sur des projets développés par des enseignants de 10 pays dans différentes matières.
Desempeños de educación para la paz
Este documento es una propuesta de diseños curriculares y desempeños de actividades a destinación de los docentes en el marco de la Cátedra de la Paz en Colombia. Propone actividades para alumnos desde el principio de la educación primaria, que se enfocan en el manejo de emociones y las interacciones con los demás, hasta el principio de la educación secundaria, con actividades enfocadas en competencias ciudadanas, y análisis sociohistórico. Está diseñado para ser apropiado y adaptado por los docentes.
Secuencias didácticas de educación para la paz
Este documento comisionado por el Ministerio de Educación y elaborado por universitarios propone secuencias pedagógicas en el marco de la Cátedra de La Paz en los establecimientos educativos preescolar, básica y media. Tiene como fin garantizar el fortalecimiento de una cultura de paz a través de los espacios de aprendizaje desarrollando competencias emocionales y cognitivas. Se proponen aquí algunas secuencias didácticas a disposición de los docentes para reproducir o adaptar en sus aulas.
Active Teaching and Learning Manual
The Active Teaching and Learning booklet presents the principles and practices of learner centered pedagogy as a teaching approach to achieve quality education. It is accompanied by cards on methods, techniques and tools, which provide teachers with examples and tips for classroom implementation. The booklet was developed by the Teacher Instructor Education Training department of the Ministry of Education, Science Technology and Sports of Uganda, with support from the Belgian Development Agency, in the framework of the Teacher Training and Education project.
How to use ICT tools in teaching and learning
This booklet presents a selection of ICT tools to integrate into teacher training in Uganda. Every tool is accompanied with creative ideas and suggestions on how to engage learners and enrich lessons.
Technology enhanced learning
This course is an introduction to technology enhanced teaching and learning.
General teaching methods
This course aims to get the best out of the teaching practices from pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and anyone who is eager to contribute to quality education. It has been written by the Teacher Training Education Project, implemented by Enabel and the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda.
Peace Education Manual. Lesson plans for Peace Clubs
This Peace Education Manual has been developed in collaboration with Finn Church Aid (FCA) Uganda, local partner Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum (UMYDF) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Network Finland.
The manual was developed to strengthen the pedagogical and methodological quality of local peace clubs during the spring and summer of 2022. The contents of the manual were successfully piloted with more than 480 young people in eight lower secondary school peace clubs established and run by UMYDF with the support of FCA in Uganda. Two of the peace clubs are located in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world.
The material consists of 34 lessons plans and is primarily aimed for young people. The different sections and activities of the material can be used flexibly in training, clubs, or, for example, as individual lessons on peace building, socio-emotional skills, conflict resolution or cooperation skills. The exercises are functional, learner-centered and emphasize active participation of youth. The material is adaptable for use anywhere in the world.
FCA and UMYDF have been working together since 2016 in Uganda to promote the positive role of youth in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In our work, peace education is defined as a holistic, multidisciplinary and transformative process that seeks to develop capacities that promote non-violent conflict resolution, respect for human rights and active participation.
FCA & TWB Inclusive Education Manual
This Teacher Training Manual on Inclusive Education supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in inclusive, quality education especially in diverse low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world. The Inclusive Education Manual directly contributes to realization of several targets of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all”.
The manual was developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Network Finland. The content has been collected and built on the numerous good materials and practices used and co-developed by FCA staff and TWB education experts in different countries and contexts.
The training manual consists of three (3) training modules that can be used flexibly:
- Education, Teacher and School Community,
- Inclusive Education, and
- Positive Classroom and Learning Environment for All Learners.
The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.
We hope you find it useful!
How to Train 21st Century Teachers
Magdalena Brier, Managing Director at ProFuturo speaks with Mary Burns, ICT and teacher training specialist, about technology, education, teachers and the future. They delve into questions such as what skills a teacher must have to teach with technology, or what are the main obstacles that they encounter when trying to do so.
Watch this video to know more about the future of digital education and to listen to key advices on how to use technology in the classroom provided by Mary Burns who has a 40 years’ experience on teacher training.
Mathematics lesson starters for Grade 3 learners
A set of teacher guides containing each 6 Mental Mathematics Lesson Starter units for Grade 3 learners, in alignment with the South African curriculum. A different calculation strategy is in focus in each unit. These calculation strategies are taken from the curriculum. Each unit covers a particular group of connected skills, and the aim is to move learners on from counting in ones on their fingers or with tally marks on paper.
Each unit is three weeks long; it begins and ends with a short test for the learners. Marking these tests provides information for the teacher and the learners about how much they have improved in using that particular set of skills during the three weeks. Within each unit, the focus is on three types of calculations: fluency, strategic calculating and strategic thinking.
Working through the Lesson Starters in each unit should lead to improvements in learners’ performance from the pre to post-tests. These improvements show progress in mental mathematics skills and number sense.
The guide is available in 11 official languages of South Africa.
Experiencias de aprendizaje con OctoStudio para probar en tu aula
Esta guía didáctica proporciona instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo descargar OctoStudio desde la web de ProFuturo, acompañadas de una introducción sobre cómo dar los primeros pasos en el uso de la aplicación. El objetivo principal es hacer que OctoStudio sea accesible para docentes de todos los niveles de experiencia tecnológica, facilitando así su implementación en entornos educativos diversos. OctoStudio es una aplicación desarrollada por el grupo Lifelong Kindergarten del MIT Media Lab que promete revolucionar la manera en que los educadores introducen la programación y el pensamiento computacional en las aulas.
Teaching to prevent atrocity crimes: a guide for teachers in Africa
This is UNESCO's first resource with a regional focus on teaching to prevent atrocity crimes. It was developed with the United Nations and in partnership with the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA). The guide was informed by exchanges with African stakeholders and advisors and tested through a piloting exercise with African teachers and students. It provides principles for teachers to consider in facilitating learning and constructive discussions with their students.
The European Training Foundation's READY model (Reference model for Educators' Activities and Development in the 21st century) offers a structured way to identify the professional practices and development needs of the 21st century educators.
Teacher booster videos
A series of learning videos for teachers and other actors in lifelong learning designed to boost their capacity to face the challenges of remote learning and raise awareness of the importance of key competences for all learners.It is an Open Education Resource produced under the European Training Foundation’s (ETF) Creating New Learning (CNL) initiative in close partnership with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.
Reset earth teaching toolkits
This toolkit provides teachers with ideas, activities, games and discussions to engage students on the issues of the ozone layer. It includes comprehensive lesson plans for the age ranges of 7-12 and 13-18 and a simulation-style game, all accessible through the education portal of the Apollo's Edition of the Reset Earth campaign.
Introduction à la pensée computationnelle
La pensée computationnelle est le résultat d'un ensemble de processus de pensée, de compétences et d'attitudes qui permettront aux enfants et aux jeunes de combler la fracture numérique et sociale existante.
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Route de l'innovation: Niveau professionnel
Le niveau professionnel traitera de l’innovation et analysera ce qui a changé dans les méthodologies pédagogiques. Des cas de réussite et des suggestions d’application de ces méthodologies seront également évoqués afin de faciliter l’identification des points à améliorer, des besoins et des problèmes en classe.
L'inscription (gratuite) sur la plateforme de ProFuturo est nécessaire pour accéder au cours.
Route de l'innovation: Niveau avancé
Cette proposition se centre sur le travail de l’innovation en tant que compétence pour la transformation du système éducatif. Il s’agit de mettre en pratique l'innovation en développant de manière créative des applications technologiques.
L'inscription (gratuite) sur la plateforme de ProFuturo est nécessaire pour accéder au cours.