News 28.02.2024 UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession puts forward recommendations to allow teachers to become drivers of change in education This is the UN press release released on 26 February 2024 on the occasion of the launch of the UN Secretary-General’s High
News 26.02.2024 Transforming the teaching career to better address global teacher shortages This blog was authored by David Childress, a senior consultant to the first Global Report on Teachers, launched during the
Blog 10.11.2023 Addressing the global teacher shortage: a path to quality education for all This blog post originally appeared on the Global Partnership for Education's "Education for All" Blog on 9 November 2023. As
Blog 06.10.2023 Addressing the overlooked plight of refugee teachers This blog was written by Rebecca Telford, Ed.D, Global Chief of Education, UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), on the occasion of
News 05.10.2023 Teacher shortages are a global challenge: Why improving the attractiveness of the profession is critical to ensure the SDGs are achieved This blog was published on 5 October 2023 on the occasion of World Teachers' Day. Education systems across the world face an
Blog 09.09.2023 To address teacher shortages in crisis contexts we must protect teachers from attack Chris Henderson, Geneva Graduate Institute and NORRAG. Teachers in crisis and emergency contexts regularly come under attack
Blog 10.07.2023 Building capacity in Zambia to develop a comprehensive teacher policy and strengthen teachers’ voices through social dialogue Teachers have an essential part to play in building a better future in sub-Saharan Africa. To play that part well, they need
News 23.06.2023 High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession: Towards a new global vision to improve the conditions of teachers around the world In its 2022 advocacy brief, the Teacher Task Force brought to the forefront the work and recommendations coming out of the
Blog 09.05.2023 Building transformative education systems through holistic teacher policy development: Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa This blog was written by Prof. Yusuf Sayed to mark the launch of the joint UNESCO/Teacher Task Force report, Supporting
Blog 08.03.2023 Embracing equity for LGBTIQ+ teachers This blog has been written by Carol Hordatt Gentles, President, International Council on Education for Teachers, and Purna
Blog 24.01.2023 "Invest in people, prioritize education": What it means for a school leader This interview was originally published by the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning on 23 January 2023 prior