Plate-forme de connaissances
Affichage de 1 à 6 sur 6
Document de politique publique
The teacher social dialogue framework and costed implementation plan, The Republic of Uganda
The Ugandan Teacher Social Dialogue Framework provides a structure for organizing and managing dialogue with government, employers and other stakeholders in order to bring to the fore teachers’ voices...
What matters most for teacher deployment? A case study of teacher preferences in Sierra Leone
This study aimed to better understand why the inequitable distribution of teachers persists in Sierra Leone despite the investments in the education workforce, and how the government may resolve this...
Comment renforcer et soutenir l’identité professionnelle des enseignants en période de changement ?
Les enseignants, les décideurs et les chercheurs ont tout à gagner à promouvoir et à soutenir la construction d’une forte identité professionnelle chez les enseignants. S’intéresser à l’identité...
Document de politique publique
Politique enseignante nationale : République de l’Ouganda
Publiée en 2013, l'étude de l’Initiative pour la formation des enseignants en Afrique subsaharienne a recensé plusieurs problèmes qui nuisent à la qualité de l’éducation en Ouganda. Parmi eux, on peut...
Characteristics of effective teacher education in low- and middle-income countries: What are they and what role can EdTech play?
Even though teacher education programmes have the potential to improve pupil learning outcomes, the impact of these programmes has varied widely in LMICs. A lack of understanding of the specific...
Pedagogy, Curriculum, Teaching Practices and Teacher Education in Developing Countries
This rigorous literature review, commissioned by the Department for International Development (DfID), UK, focused on pedagogy, curriculum, teaching practices and teacher education in developing...