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  • pdf
  • 04.09.2023
  • EN  |  ES

Time to teach. Soudan du Sud

L’étude Time to Teach aborde des questions centrées sur les différentes manifestations du temps de travail des enseignants et sur les interactions entre les facteurs à différents niveaux du système...
  • pdf
  • 17.06.2020
  • EN

Teachers in Asia Pacific: status and rights

In 2006, a regional seminar was held in Bangkok that focused on examining the status of teachers in the Asia-Pacific region. Subsequently, in 2014, UNESCO Bangkok proposed a study to review the...
  • 09.04.2020
  • EN

#UDHR70 - Education in a country in conflict

Human rights are an on-going issue for the education sector in the Central African Republic. These issues concern both the status of the teaching staff and the quality of the infrastructure and...