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  • Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports
  • 2018
  • 32
  • 529.2 Ko
  • pdf
  • EN  |  ES  |  AR

The National Teacher Policy. The Republic of Uganda

The Teacher Initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa (TISSA) study of 2013 identified several challenges that affect the quality of education in Uganda. These include; under-professionalization of the teaching profession, inadequate quality assurance and standards; shortage of science teachers and low entry academic requirements into the teaching profession among others. Accordingly, the TISSA study recommended the development of a comprehensive National Teacher Policy to address quality of education issues. In that regard, Government has adopted this recommendation.

The aim of the National Teacher Policy (NTP) is to professionalize the teaching profession to levels comparable with other professions like medical, engineering, legal, and accounting among others. This policy provides a comprehensive framework for the development and management of the teaching profession to improve teaching and learning in the entire education system.

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