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Policy document
  • pdf
  • 10.02.2023

National teachers' standards for Ghana. Guidelines

The National Teachers’ Standards represent the first ever collectively agreed standards to guide teacher preparation and practice in the country. The Standards have been developed as a professional...
  • pdf
  • 27.12.2022
  • FR  |  ES

Time to teach. Liberia

Teacher absenteeism is one of the main challenges to achieving universal learning in many developing countries. In Liberia, recurring school absenteeism and post abandonment are considered critical...
  • 09.04.2020

The Italian school system is in danger

The General Secretary of the Federation of Knowledge Workers of the Italian General Confederation of Labour reacted to the suspension of Rosa Maria Dell’Aria, a teacher from Palermo. The teacher was...
  • 09.04.2020

Attacks on democracy and teachers in Italy

Extreme Right parties, often populist and nationalist, have become stronger than in any time since the Second World War. We have witnessed a return of racist, xenophobic and authoritarian policies and...