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Centre de Ressources pour les Enseignants

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    Lignes directrices pour les enseignants et les éducateurs en matière de lutte contre la désinformation et de promotion de l’habileté numérique par l’éducation et la formation

    Les présentes lignes directrices proposent des orientations concrètes et pratiques aux enseignants et éducateurs, principalement du primaire et du secondaire.

    Elles offrent des explications claires sur des concepts techniques, des exercices à faire en classe concernant la vérification des faits, des informations sur la manière d’encourager les «bonnes» habitudes en ligne et des moyens d’évaluer les élèves sur leurs compétences dans le domaine de l'habileté numérique.

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    Textbooks for sustainable development: a guide to embedding

    This guidebook aims to support textbook authors and publishing houses to produce a new generation of textbooks that integrate education for sustainable development. By doing so, it aspires to make learning relevant and effective. It also contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Textbook authors and educators are encouraged to use this guidebook as a source of ideas, tools and methods that can help to enrich content and pedagogy and complement their own individual and institutional strategies. The guidebook offers concrete guidance for textbook authors on how to reorient the existing curriculum content towards peace, sustainable development and global citizenship.

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    IEA English resource pack for educators

    This resource pack is based on IEA’s Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and uses the PIRLS materials to support the best practices for teaching reading comprehension in a classroom. It accompanies the How to Help Students Develop Reading Comprehension Skills Teacher Snippet XL and book Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe, which is part of the IEA Research for Educators series.

    It contains reading passages with corresponding questions and the related scoring guide to address students’ needs in reading comprehension processes. The scoring guide provides correct answers for multiple choice questions (MC) and points to the evidence that needs to be considered in deciding about correctness of the responses to the constructed response questions (CR) with some useful examples included. The international averages displayed for each question illustrate how challenging the questions were overall for students in PIRLS 2016.

    When using the passage as an evaluation, the results should be used in a formative way for helping teachers identify and focus on the processes that students are having difficulties with.

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    Teacher's handbook remedial education

    Remedial education programs provide responsive and flexible learning support for students as they continue to attend regular public-school classes. Remedial education targets students for whom the regular education system is not the best fit, providing them with content and skills needed to succeed in formal education.

    This remedial education handbook is for primary school teachers who are already working in school settings and who want to begin a remedial education program. This handbook is also useful for education personnel such as principals, administrators, and counselors, and can be used for teacher training. It was designed for teachers and education personnel working in Arabic-speaking contexts as a self-guided reference that can be used to design, implement, and improve remedial education classes. It was developed based on World Vision’s experiences facilitating a remedial education program in a specific context (Jordan). However, its contents are versatile and can be applicable in many other contexts where children live in vulnerable conditions and require academic support and protection.

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    • 2021

    Simulation de négociation en faveur de la biodiversité. Kit pédagogique

    Ce livret pédagogique propose un parcours en 5 étapes pour enseigner les sujets complexes liés à l’environnement et au développement durable.

    Chacune de ces étapes fait avancer les connaissances et les compétences des élèves dans le domaine des négociations internationales sur la biodiversité. Les deux premières étapes introduisent successivement les notions de biodiversité et de négociations internationales. La troisième étape permet aux élèves de s’identifier à l’acteur qu’ils ont choisi de représenter et de s’imprégner de leur rôle. La quatrième étape est le moment phare du projet : les élèves, réunis en délégations, débattent entre eux pour élaborer ensemble des solutions qui feront consensus. Enfin, la cinquième étape permet aux élèves d’agir en réalisant un projet concret en faveur de la biodiversité.

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    Transformative pedagogy for learning to live together in Southern Africa. A practical guide

    This guide is designed to build the capacity of teachers and education planners so that they are informed and empowered in why and how to educate for living together and epace building . It offers an analysis of conflict, examines the role of ethics, expands on the elements of transformative pedagogy and provides practical tools to promote learners’ active participation in shaping the world around them and assess their understanding of citizenship and peacebuilding concepts.

    Transformative pedagogy empowers both teachers and learners. It encourages learners to be reflective and critical thinkers capable of contributing meaningfully as members of local and global communities. It also redefines the role of teachers. Teachers become facilitators with the disposition, knowledge, skills and commitment to support students in developing their full potential as peacebuilders. This guide can serve in universities, teacher training colleges and schools.

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