Plate-forme de connaissances
Affichage de 1 à 9 sur 9
How do we know teacher professional development is working?: Measuring changes in teaching practices in the classroom
This note provides guidance on how to establish a numerical indicator to measure teaching practices through classroom observation tools, and how to benchmark this indicator to track changes in...
Making teacher policy work
Presentation by Ezequiel Molina, Senior Economist in the Education Global Practice, World Bank, at the online workshop Global pathways to an attractive teaching profession, that was held on 6th...
Note d'orientation
Teacher training and support in Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic
Ce rapport présente les données disponibles sur les réponses en matière de politiques et les pratiques concernant la formation et l’accompagnement des enseignants pendant les périodes de fermeture et...
A study on assessments of teaching quality in GPE partner countries: final report
This study prepared for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) examines whether countries are working to gather relevant data to inform their policy and work to improve teaching quality. It can...
Note d’orientation sur l’optimisation des ressources: Enseignants et enseignement
Le Secrétariat du GPE a publié une série de notes d'orientation en trois parties pour décortiquer les questions complexes et intrinsèquement liées qui sous-tendent l'optimisation des ressources dans l...
Call for abstracts. GPE KIX continental research symposium: Reimagining research and innovation for a better impact on learning outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
A call for research abstracts and presentations is open for the upcoming GPE KIX Continental Research Symposium on “Reimagining research and innovation for a better impact on learning outcomes in Sub...
Au-delà des enseignants: Cartographie des principaux outils et cadres applicables au personnel de l'éducation
Le Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation (GPE) fournit un appui technique dans le domaine de la qualité de l'enseignement, notamment dans l'élaboration ou la diffusion d'outils et de lignes directrices...
Note d'orientation
Guidelines for transitional education plan preparation
The guidelines provide a technical guidance in developing technical plan to support countries' education sector in developing plans to come out of crisis and conflict. They are designed to provide...
#CRC30 The right to education in wartime: the lost children of Yemen and the struggle to save them
From Yemen, where the war has been going on for five consecutive years, I am addressing you on the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. As a teacher and a...