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  • pdf
  • 22.04.2024

Teachers for All: Côte d’Ivoire

L’initiative T4A « Teachers for All » (Des enseignants pour tout le monde) vise à analyser l’affectation des enseignants du primaire en Afrique subsaharienne et à utiliser des données probantes pour...
  • pdf
  • 17.06.2020
  • EN

Teachers in Asia Pacific: status and rights

In 2006, a regional seminar was held in Bangkok that focused on examining the status of teachers in the Asia-Pacific region. Subsequently, in 2014, UNESCO Bangkok proposed a study to review the...
  • pdf
  • 07.04.2020
  • EN

Policy frameworks on contract teachers

Education is a fundamental human right that must be secured for all because it is inseparable from human dignity. This means that all of the countries striving to achieve Education for All (EFA) face...