مركز المعارف
عرض 1 - 5 من 5
Can financial incentives help disadvantaged schools to attract and retain high-performing teachers? Evidence from Chile
This research article analyzes the effectiveness of additional financial incentives given to teachers who are awarded the Chilean Pedagogical Excellence assignment if they work in disadvantaged...
معلّمون من أجل التغيير: دعم الدور التحويلي للمعلّمين في سياقات النزوح الجماعي
يتجلّى التعليم في السياقات المتأثرة بالنزوح الجماعي في عدم الاستقرار السياسي، وتهميش المتعلمين اللاجئين، ونقص الموارد التعليمية، بما في ذلك أماكن التعلُّم، والمواد المنهجية ذات الصلة، وآليات اعتماد...
كتيب/نشرة إعلانية
Call for abstracts. GPE KIX continental research symposium: Reimagining research and innovation for a better impact on learning outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
A call for research abstracts and presentations is open for the upcoming GPE KIX Continental Research Symposium on “Reimagining research and innovation for a better impact on learning outcomes in Sub...
مذكرة توجيهية
Teacher training and support in Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic. Policy brief
This policy brief presents available evidence on the policy and practice responses in teacher training and support during the periods of school closures and re-openings in 40 GPE partner countries in...
#UDHR70 - Education in a country in conflict
Human rights are an on-going issue for the education sector in the Central African Republic. These issues concern both the status of the teaching staff and the quality of the infrastructure and...