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  • 10.04.2024

European Training Foundation New Learning Clubs

The European Training Foundation (ETF) is the agency of the EU tasked with the development of skills in transition and developing countries. Within its Community of Innovative Educators, ETF just launched New Learning Clubs!

The New Learning Clubs are informal groups of teachers, educators, and experts on topics linked to innovation in learning. Experts who join the clubs will contribute to the community by sharing their expertise, good practices and ultimately get the chance to learn from each other’ experiences. At the end of their mandate, clubs will hold a webinar to present a joint output (an innovative curriculum, a video, a report, guidelines, toolkits, blog posts, etc.).

Two New Learning Clubs are about to open! 

  • New Learning Club on “Innovative STEAM education”, as of April 2024 - Participants will bring their ideas and discuss about topics as stimulating the students' curiosity and enthusiasm in scientific and technological subjects, developing the ability to apply creativity and critical thinking in young people, and improving young people's access to high-quality STEAM education.
  • New Learning Club on "Teaching with Artificial Intelligence", as of June 2024 - This Club will focus on the adoption of AI solutions by educators and teachers, to try answering some of the hot questions that require attention. Participants will debate on the ways to integrate AI tools safely and effectively in teaching settings, to implement software in educational environments and deal with e.g., correct and consistent assessment of students’ work, etc. 

All members of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators can join the learning clubs. Not a member yet? Join here for free. You will be asked to demonstrate practical expertise and perhaps present shortly your good practice in innovative teaching methods. As a treat, all participating members will receive Pioneers Open Badges by ETF!

  • pdf
  • 09.04.2024

Making teacher policy work

The report proposes a practical framework to uncover the “black box” of effective teacher policy and discusses the factors that enable their scalability and sustainability. The framework distills...
  • 20.03.2024

UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education – call for nominations 2024

On International Women’s Day, UNESCO launched the call for nominations for the 2024 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The Prize awards US$ 50,000 annually to two laureates making outstanding efforts in favour of girls’ and women’s education.

Today, 122 million girls remain out of school and two thirds of the world’s illiterate adults are women. This is despite the significant progress made in recent decades to realize girls’ and women’s right to education. 

We know that gender, combined with other factors such as cultural norms and stereotypes, wealth, ethnicity or location continue to prevent girls and women everywhere from reaching their full potential. 

At the Transforming Education Summit in 2022, countries called for actions that put gender equality at the heart of education plans, budgets and policies as part of their commitment to transform education for the world we live in today.

In practice, this means promoting gender equality in curricula and pedagogies, creating safe, inclusive and transformative learning spaces, supporting collaboration across sectors and generations and investing in the most marginalized.

Are you driving transformative change for girls’ and women’s education? 


Nominations are made by Governments of UNESCO Member States or Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO. They can nominate up to three individuals, institutions, or organizations making strong, innovative contributions to girls’ and women’s education. Self-nominations are not possible.

Interested candidates are invited to contact their country’s National Commission for UNESCO/Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO or the Prize Secretariat for more information.


Nominations must meet the eligibility and selection criteria set by the Prize. Nominated projects must be established and running for at least two years and show potential to be replicable and scalable. 

An independent International Jury of five experts will assess nominations on the basis of the project’s potential for impact, innovation and sustainability.


Deadline for submissions is 24 May 2024 (midnight, Paris time).


Nominations must be submitted in English or French via an online platform, accessible only to National Commissions for UNESCO/Permanent Delegations to UNESCO and NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO.

Based on the recommendations of the Jury, the Director-General of UNESCO will announce the 2024 laureates who will receive the award on or around 11 October 2024 as part of International Day of the Girl celebrations.