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  • 29.07.2021

13th International Policy Dialogue Forum

This year, the 13th Policy Dialogue Forum and governance meetings of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) will take place from 1-3 December 2021 in Kigali, Rwanda and on-line. Jointly organized by the TTF Secretariat, and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Rwanda, the over-arching theme of this year’s policy dialogue forum is ‘Innovation in teacher policy and practice for educational recovery with particular attention to: i) innovation in teaching and learning, (ii) initial and in-service teacher education and (iii) education policy.

As the engine of improvement in education, innovation is critical for improving education quality for all learners and needs to be at the heart of education policies and policy making. The 2021 Policy Dialogue Forum will bring together education stakeholders from around the world, both in-person and on-line, to discuss the complexities of the post-COVID era and identify how to ‘build back better’ and ensure that education systems harness and expand collective capabilities for innovation. It will generate policy recommendations for ministries, civil society organisations, international organisations and donors that support teachers, school leaders, teacher educators and policy-makers.

  • 29.07.2021

13th International Policy Dialogue Forum

This year, the 13th Policy Dialogue Forum and governance meetings of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) will take place from 1-3 December 2021 in Kigali, Rwanda and on-line. Jointly organized by the TTF Secretariat, and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Rwanda, the over-arching theme of this year’s policy dialogue forum is ‘Innovation in teacher policy and practice for educational recovery with particular attention to: i) innovation in teaching and learning, (ii) initial and in-service teacher education and (iii) education policy.

As the engine of improvement in education, innovation is critical for improving education quality for all learners and needs to be at the heart of education policies and policy making. The 2021 Policy Dialogue Forum will bring together education stakeholders from around the world, both in-person and on-line, to discuss the complexities of the post-COVID era and identify how to ‘build back better’ and ensure that education systems harness and expand collective capabilities for innovation. It will generate policy recommendations for ministries, civil society organisations, international organisations and donors that support teachers, school leaders, teacher educators and policy-makers.

  • 12.06.2024

The ultimate teacher wish list - #BorntoLearn 2024 Day of the African Child

Coinciding with the DOAC and the mid-point in 2024 AU Year of Education, this #BorntoLearn event aims to put support for teachers at the top of the continental agenda.

  • Date: 14 June 2024
  • Time: 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm CEST
  • Type: Virtual

Click here to register.

One in five primary school-age children in sub-Saharan Africa are out of school; their number is nearly as high as it was in 1990. Only two in three children in the region complete primary school by age 15. Among those who do, only 3 in 10 achieve the minimum proficiency level in reading, meaning that barely one in five children do so overall. 

Highlighting the need for alignment across countries’ vision on foundational literacy and numeracy with curriculum development, textbook provision, pedagogy and assessment practices, the 2024 Spotlight Report underscores the importance of teachers to bring the change we design on paper to children in the classroom. It shows the need for better teacher support, who have a wish list of ‘if only I had more…’ that goes unanswered by leaders still expecting to see change in learning on the ground. This campaign will help clear the list! 

Timed to coincide with the Day of the African Child and marking the mid-point in 2024 AU Year of Education, this online #BorntoLearn event aims to put support for teachers at the top of the continental agenda and highlight the importance of foundational learning to enable all children to reach their full potential and participate in society.

The event aims to: 

  1. Highlight the importance of ensuring every child has access to foundational learning across Africa 
  2. Spark a conversation on the way that leaders and stakeholders can better support teachers to teach national curriculum in the classroom and overcome existing challenges
  3. Provide a platform for teachers and youth representatives to share knowledge and experience in advocating for promoting foundational numeracy, address challenges and celebrate successes
  4. Highlight the Spotlight Report and its recommendations on children’s numeracy as a key tool for governments across the continent working to improve foundational learning

Featured speakers: 

  • Alice Mukashyaka, Youth representative, African Union
  • Dennis Sinyolo, Director, Education International's Africa Regional Office
  • Lindiwe Tshuma, Faculty of Humanities Teaching and Learning Unit, University of Witwatersand, Johannesburg 
  • Gamusi Tom, Teacher, Uganda
  • Lyson Chikunduzi, VVOB Zambia
  • Primary Teacher, South Africa 
  • Josephine Kiyenje, Spotlight Report Lead, GEM Report, UNESCO 


  • 04.06.2024

Launch of the process for the review of the African Union’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016-25

This article originally appeared on the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA)'s website on 23 May 2024, authored by Sophia Ashipala, Head for Education at the African Union Commission, and Quentin Wodon, Director of UNESCO IICBA.

On May 8, 2024, the African Union formally launched the process for the Review of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016-25 at a consultation held in person in Lusaka, Zambia, as well as online on the occasion of the annual conference of the Africa Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities. Over 400 people attended the conference in person, with at least 1,000 watching online. A total of 22 countries were represented in-person, including at the Ministerial level for Ghana, Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, Morocco, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Zambia’s Vice President opened the conference.

Education remains a top priority for Africa, serving as the bedrock for the aspirations of the African Union’s continental development blueprint, Agenda 2063. The African Union’s vision for education is laid out in CESA 16-25 which expands on global targets enshrined in the UN Strategic Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). Other instruments such as the declaration of the UN Transforming Education summit are also critical to the continental education transformation agenda. The AU Commission is committed to supporting AU member states in strengthening their national education systems and management processes, as well as achieving national priorities geared towards building capacities to realize continental aspirations and global targets stipulated in the SDGs.

CESA 16-25 was driven by a desire to “reorient Africa’s education and training systems to meet the knowledge, competencies, skills, innovation and creativity required to nurture African core values and promote sustainable development at the national, sub-regional and continental levels.” The African Union has declared 2024 as the Year of Education with the theme “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa.” In this context it is important to take stock of progress and achievements towards the CESA’s strategic objectives and plan for a future education strategy.

Aims of the CESA

Review As we near the end of the time frame for CESA 16-25, major challenges remain for education systems in Africa. These challenges were exacerbated by the Covid-19 Pandemic. In this context, the CESA Review will have the following objectives: (1) Assess progress against the 12 strategic objectives of CESA 16-25, including what has and hasn’t worked well in implementation and the reasons why – this includes assessing successes, challenges, gaps, and opportunities in line with the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact of CESA 16-25; (2) Evaluate the effectiveness of the CESA clusters as a partnerships-based implementation mechanism and how the cluster mechanism can be further strengthened to enhance education outcomes in line with the continental and national objectives; and (3) Providing recommendations for a new CESA post-2025, including in terms of objectives, implementation opportunities, and recommendations for Member States.

The following questions will therefore guide the CESA Review: (1) To what extent have we achieved the Strategic Objectives of CESA 16-25? What have been key successes, challenges, and gaps as well as opportunities? To what extent have Member States used CESA 16-25 for their own national education strategies?; (2) To what extent have the Clusters been effective as a partnerships-based implementation mechanism and how can the cluster mechanism be strengthened to enhance outcomes?; and (3) What recommendations can be drawn from CESA 16-25 for a future education strategy for Africa, including mechanisms to respond to potential crises affecting the continent?

Approach for the CESA Review

To answer these questions, the CESA Review will rely on analysis of both existing and new data. Existing data will include data from the UNESCO Institute of Statistics to assess progress towards strategic objectives and provide an assessment of the CESA framework for monitoring and evaluation. New data will be collected among others through three surveys for (1) Ministries of Education; (2) members of the CESA clusters; and (3) broader education stakeholders. Review of the literature and interviews will also be conducted, among others to identify best practices, success stories, and innovative approaches to be shared across the continent. Process-wise, the CESA Review will engage with Regional Economic Communities (RECs), national governments, and other partners to develop recommendations for enhancing existing strategies and programs.

In terms of key responsibilities, the CESA Review will involve (among other stakeholders): (1) The African Union Commission, which will be responsible for coordinating the overall review process and implementing recommendations; (2) UNESCO, including UNESCO IICBA, which will provide expertise and support for data collection and analysis; (3) Other organizations including AfECN, which will provide support in their specific areas of expertise (organizations participating in the CESA clusters will also be consulted and provided opportunities to contribute); (4) National governments, RECs, and other agencies, which will participate in the review process, be consulted, and provide contextual perspectives.


The main anticipated deliverables will be a report (at about 50 pages) detailing the findings, analysis, and recommendations of the CESA review process. This will include documenting progress for all 12 strategic objectives and guidance on good practices and innovations in those areas. Another key deliverable will be a series of stakeholder consultations on the CESA review and next steps for drafting a future strategy. The review process is expected to take approximately 6 months, with the timeline to be finalized in consultation with the stakeholders, after which work will take place towards a new strategy.