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  • pdf
  • 27.12.2022
  • EN  |  ES  |  AR

Time to teach. Gabon

Identifié comme l’un des principaux obstacles au progrès éducatif et à l’apprentissage des enfants, l’absentéisme des enseignants est un problème particulièrement grave dans les pays en développement...
  • pdf
  • 17.06.2020
  • EN

Teachers in Asia Pacific: status and rights

In 2006, a regional seminar was held in Bangkok that focused on examining the status of teachers in the Asia-Pacific region. Subsequently, in 2014, UNESCO Bangkok proposed a study to review the...
  • 09.04.2020
  • EN

The Italian school system is in danger

The General Secretary of the Federation of Knowledge Workers of the Italian General Confederation of Labour reacted to the suspension of Rosa Maria Dell’Aria, a teacher from Palermo. The teacher was...
  • 09.04.2020
  • EN

Attacks on democracy and teachers in Italy

Extreme Right parties, often populist and nationalist, have become stronger than in any time since the Second World War. We have witnessed a return of racist, xenophobic and authoritarian policies and...