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Integrating SEL & PSS into Lessons for Quality Holistic Learning

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This open, self-paced course, Integrating SEL & PSS into Lessons for Quality Holistic Learning, was designed with a team of teachers working with refugee and vulnerable learners across Lebanon. It is intended to build upon previous learning related to social and emotional learning (SEL) and psychosocial support (PSS) to provide teachers with the confidence to critically evaluate activities, adapt them to their local context, and assess impact on student learning and well-being.

Educators who complete this online course will be able to:

  • Define the concepts PSS and SEL.
  • Integrate PSS and SEL in lesson plans.
  • Create safe spaces for displaced learners, refugees, and other vulnerable students.
  • Reflect on tools and teaching pedagogies when implementing PSS and SEL activities.
  • Evaluate their adaptation and implementation of PSS and SEL activities.

It will take 8-10 hours, on average, to complete this course. It is entirely self-paced. There is a micro-credential opportunity shared at the end of the course for those interested in demonstrating their competency and earning a digital micro-credential and badge.



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