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Teaching for success: Teacher policies in Shanghai and lessons for Central America

This report reviews Shanghai’s education system, in particular the aspects related to teachers as a critical element in the system, and compare them with the situation in Central America to identify possible lessons for the sub-region.

The study analyses the state of teacher policies across nine common dimensions, grouped into three categories: (1) Preparing the way for effective teaching; (2) Attracting, hiring, and retaining talented teachers; (3) Managing good performance. It compares these dimensions with the characteristics of the Shanghai education system, identified as a case of best practice, and uses it to encourage a discussion on what can be learned to improve the quality of education in Central American countries. The conclusions suggest recommendations for future improvements for teacher quality in the region. In particular, the focus is on policy levers that strengthen teacher training and development practices and institutions, establishing clear guidelines for the profession and raising the quality of applicants by increasing the prestige and professionalism associated with teaching and the education sector.