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Policy document
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  • 27.09.2022
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Education strategic plan 2019-2023, Cambodia

The Education Strategic Plan 2019–2023 is designed for implementing education, youth and sport reforms and establishing a robust base for education in 2030 and beyond. It responds to the vision of...
Policy document
  • pdf
  • 21.09.2022
  • FR  |  ES

Teacher policy action plan. Cambodia

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Cambodia developed the Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018 with the ambition to develop human capital to lead the transformation of Cambodia to an upper...
  • pdf
  • 22.07.2022
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Effective teacher policies. Insights from PISA

Teachers are the most important resource in today’s schools. Improving the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schooling depends, in large measure, on ensuring that competent people want to work...
  • 16.08.2023

KIX Africa 19 Hub Webinar on Teacher Motivation

Join the second KIX webinar of 2023, focusing on strategies to improve the production, retention and motivation of competent teachers amidst the changing context of the profession in Africa.

Bringing together educators, school leaders, partners in education, and education authorities from Africa and beyond, the webinar aims to:

  1. Uncover potential obstacles impacting both intrinsic and extrinsic teacher motivation within the changing teaching profession.
  2. Reflect on global, regional, and national frameworks promoting the attraction of the best and most motivated candidates to teaching, while addressing impediments.
  3. Explore innovative ways to reinvigorate the standing, voice, and societal value of teachers.
  4. Foster hands-on learning among educators, school leaders, and experts to enhance well-being, especially during and after school reopening.

Webinar Details

Topic: What is the Game Changer on Teacher Motivation in Africa amidst the Changing Context of the Profession?

Date: Thursday, 21st September 2023

Time: 15:00 – 17:00 (East Africa Time)

Duration: 2 hours

Registration link:

The webinar is organized under the framing of the KIX Africa 19 hub managed by UNESCO-IICBA, UNICEF ESARO and AU-IPED. The target audience includes:

  • School leaders, teachers, and education partners at various levels in Africa and beyond;
  • KIX Africa 19 hub focal points and their counterparts overseeing the teaching profession;
  • AUC teachers cluster members, teacher unions, education institutions, Ministries of Education in Africa, education experts, NGOs, and stakeholders dedicated to teacher development and management

Click here to register for the webinar.

  • 17.07.2023

High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession - 1st meeting

The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession will convene for the first time on July 18, 2023. This inaugural meeting, one of five planned gatherings, will be closed to the general public and conducted online. 

The Panel, appointed in June 2023, is an initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General as follow-up to the Transforming Education Summit. Its mandate is to produce a set of evidence-informed recommendations on how to deliver on the commitment that every learner has a professionally trained, qualified, and well-supported teacher who can flourish in a transformed education system. The scope covers educators from early childhood through tertiary education, including technical and vocational education and training. The work of the Panel is being supported throughout by a joint UNESCO-ILO Secretariat. 

The Teacher Task Force will be represented at the High-level Panel by one of its co-Chairs, Ms Matsie Angelina Motshekga, Minister of Basic Education of South Africa.

The discussions of the Panel will focus on six imperatives for the future of the teaching profession: quality, equity, diversity and inclusion, humanity, sustainability, and dignity. These imperatives guide the Panel's efforts to shape an inclusive and forward-looking teaching profession that prioritizes the well-being of both teachers and learners.

The working methods are carefully designed to ensure a thorough and comprehensive approach. With co-chairs comprising former Heads of State and the participation of a variety of stakeholders, including youth, the Panel brings together diverse perspectives and experiences. It will also draw on consultations organized by the Secretariat, briefs to inform the Panel as well as existing relevant literature.

The Panel will both draw on and inform preparations for the forthcoming first global report on the teaching profession to be published by UNESCO and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2023 in early 2024.