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  • pdf
  • 22.04.2024
  • FR

Teachers for All: Côte d’Ivoire

L’initiative T4A « Teachers for All » (Des enseignants pour tout le monde) vise à analyser l’affectation des enseignants du primaire en Afrique subsaharienne et à utiliser des données probantes pour...
  • pdf
  • 11.04.2024
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Time to Teach – Togo

Although national politicians have recognized that absenteeism is a problem, there have been few studies on the factors, policies and practices that influence teacher attendance in Togo. The Time to...
  • pdf
  • 11.04.2024
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Time to Teach – Niger

Teacher absenteeism is one of the major challenges to achieving universal education in many developing countries. Previous studies have identified teacher absenteeism as a particular challenge in...
  • pdf
  • 11.04.2024
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Time to Teach – Mauritania

Teacher absenteeism is a persistent barrier to achieving universal education in many developing countries, where teacher absence rates can reach alarming levels. Previous studies have identified...
  • pdf
  • 31.10.2023

The challenges of teaching in emergency settings

Presentation by Carlos Vargas Tames, Chief of Section for Teacher Development at UNESCO and Head of the TTF Secretariat, at the online event Teacher education in emergencies to support attraction and...
  • pdf
  • 03.10.2023
  • FR  |  ES

2023 World Teachers' Day fact sheet

World Teachers’ Day 2023 focuses on the need to reverse global teacher shortages, including how to improve the profession’s appeal. This fact sheet aims to highlight new global and regional data on...
Manual / Handbook / Guidelines
  • pdf
  • 02.10.2023

Promoting inclusive teacher education: Materials

This advocacy guide on ‘Materials’ is the fourth in a series of five guides devoted to ‘Promoting Inclusive Teacher Education’. It can be used on its own or in combination with the four other advocacy...