Centre de Ressources pour les Enseignants
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Desempeños de educación para la paz
Este documento es una propuesta de diseños curriculares y desempeños de actividades a destinación de los docentes en el marco de la Cátedra de la Paz en Colombia. Propone actividades para alumnos desde el principio de la educación primaria, que se enfocan en el manejo de emociones y las interacciones con los demás, hasta el principio de la educación secundaria, con actividades enfocadas en competencias ciudadanas, y análisis sociohistórico. Está diseñado para ser apropiado y adaptado por los docentes.
Secuencias didácticas de educación para la paz
Este documento comisionado por el Ministerio de Educación y elaborado por universitarios propone secuencias pedagógicas en el marco de la Cátedra de La Paz en los establecimientos educativos preescolar, básica y media. Tiene como fin garantizar el fortalecimiento de una cultura de paz a través de los espacios de aprendizaje desarrollando competencias emocionales y cognitivas. Se proponen aquí algunas secuencias didácticas a disposición de los docentes para reproducir o adaptar en sus aulas.
FCA & TWB Inclusive Education Manual
This Teacher Training Manual on Inclusive Education supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in inclusive, quality education especially in diverse low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world. The Inclusive Education Manual directly contributes to realization of several targets of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all”.
The manual was developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Network Finland. The content has been collected and built on the numerous good materials and practices used and co-developed by FCA staff and TWB education experts in different countries and contexts.
The training manual consists of three (3) training modules that can be used flexibly:
- Education, Teacher and School Community,
- Inclusive Education, and
- Positive Classroom and Learning Environment for All Learners.
The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.
We hope you find it useful!
Reset earth teaching toolkits
This toolkit provides teachers with ideas, activities, games and discussions to engage students on the issues of the ozone layer. It includes comprehensive lesson plans for the age ranges of 7-12 and 13-18 and a simulation-style game, all accessible through the education portal of the Apollo's Edition of the Reset Earth campaign.
IEA English resource pack for educators
This resource pack is based on IEA’s Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and uses the PIRLS materials to support the best practices for teaching reading comprehension in a classroom. It accompanies the How to Help Students Develop Reading Comprehension Skills Teacher Snippet XL and book Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe, which is part of the IEA Research for Educators series.
It contains reading passages with corresponding questions and the related scoring guide to address students’ needs in reading comprehension processes. The scoring guide provides correct answers for multiple choice questions (MC) and points to the evidence that needs to be considered in deciding about correctness of the responses to the constructed response questions (CR) with some useful examples included. The international averages displayed for each question illustrate how challenging the questions were overall for students in PIRLS 2016.
When using the passage as an evaluation, the results should be used in a formative way for helping teachers identify and focus on the processes that students are having difficulties with.
Simulation de négociation en faveur de la biodiversité. Kit pédagogique
Ce livret pédagogique propose un parcours en 5 étapes pour enseigner les sujets complexes liés à l’environnement et au développement durable.
Chacune de ces étapes fait avancer les connaissances et les compétences des élèves dans le domaine des négociations internationales sur la biodiversité. Les deux premières étapes introduisent successivement les notions de biodiversité et de négociations internationales. La troisième étape permet aux élèves de s’identifier à l’acteur qu’ils ont choisi de représenter et de s’imprégner de leur rôle. La quatrième étape est le moment phare du projet : les élèves, réunis en délégations, débattent entre eux pour élaborer ensemble des solutions qui feront consensus. Enfin, la cinquième étape permet aux élèves d’agir en réalisant un projet concret en faveur de la biodiversité.