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    التعليم المتباين في سياقات النزوح دليل تيسير ورش العمل

    في هذا الدليل، هناك مطالبات لدعم استكشاف المحتوى والتطبيق على السياق المحلي. هناك أيضًا نصائح لدعم المعلمين أثناء توفيرهم للمساحة والوقت للتعلم المهني في حياتهم المزدحمة والمجهدة في كثير من الأحيان. أخيرًا، يقدم هذا الدليل بعض النصائح فيما يتعلق بالجوانب الإلكترونية و/أو الجوانب التكنولوجية الأخرى لهذا التدريب.

    يهدف مشروع التعلم الشامل عالي الجودة (QHL)، والذي تعد ورشة العمل وجهًا لوجه أحد عناصره، إلى إعداد المعلمين لتقديم دروس عالية الجودة تدعم التعلم الشامل للأطفال والشباب من خلفيات متنوعة (اللاجئين والمهاجرين و/ أو المواطن) داخل البلد المضيف وسياقات النزوح والأزمات. إنهم يعرّفون التعلم الشامل عالي الجودة بأنه ذلك الذي يهتم بما يلي: ● التطوير الأكاديمي والمعرفي وتنمية الهوية، ● التعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي، و ● الرفاه العقلي/النفسي الاجتماعي والجسدي والذي يوفر: ● تجارب مدرسية إيجابية، ● مشاعر الانتماء والانتماء السلامة، ● النمو والتطور، و ● نتائج عادلة لجميع المتعلمين.



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    مقدمة في التربية القائمة على تعزيز نقاط القوة في سياقات النزوح دليل تيسير ورش العمل

    يهدف هذا الدليل إلى دعم تقديم مجموعة من أربع ورش عمل تمهيدية حول موضوع دعم التربية القائمة على تعزيز نقاط القوة في سياقات الأزمات من خلال تنفيذ أدوات وأنشطة التدريس القائم على تعزيز نقاط القوة ومن خلال الحفاظ على مساحات تعليمية آمنة ومأمونة.

    ورش العمل هي نتيجة المساهمات الثاقبة لفريق ملتزم من المعلمين والمعلمين من كينيا ولبنان والنيجر.


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    Ficha para equipos pedagógicos - Acompañar a niñas y niños en situación de emergencia

    Este recurso para docentes ofrece ejemplos y materiales adicionales para apoyar a los educadores que trabajan con niños de parvulario en situaciones de emergencia. Las comunidades pueden enfrentar momentos de crisis los cuales afectan a los niños en sus contextos familiares, educativos y comunitarios. La guía ayuda a identificar estos efectos adversos y proporciona apoyo oportuno para mitigar el impacto en los niños, uno de los grupos más vulnerables en estas situaciones. 

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    Estrategias para el Aprendizaje Socioemocional desde el Currículum Nacional

    Este manual ofrece a los docentes el contexto necesario para implementar el aprendizaje socioemocional en el aula. Proporciona una base teórica y se alinea con el currículum nacional chileno. Incluye ejemplos de actividades que pueden desarrollarse en diversas materias y espacios de la vida escolar, abarcando desde la educación primaria hasta la secundaria. El objetivo es facilitar la integración del aprendizaje socioemocional en las prácticas educativas diarias, promoviendo un ambiente escolar más inclusivo y comprensivo. 

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    Ciencias de la computación para el aula - Manual para docentes (Primer ciclo primaria)

    Este recurso incluye secuencias didácticas con actividades para realizar con los alumnos, así como fichas imprimibles con ejercicios. También contiene todas las instrucciones necesarias para que el docente pueda acompañar a los alumnos en la realización de estas actividades. El objetivo de estos recursos es enseñar a niñas y niños el funcionamiento de los computadores y las tecnologías digitales. Si este recurso ha sido concebido específicamente para el sistema educativo argentino, también se puede adaptar a otros contextos educativos hispanófonos. Se realizaron manuales similares para secundo ciclo de primaria, y ciclo secundario, que se podrán encontrar en este enlace.

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    Guía de eduentretenimiento – El poder de las historias como recurso didáctico en el aula de clase

    El eduentretenimiento es una metodología de comunicación definida por la UNESCO que se basa en narraciones como medio de transmisión del conocimiento. El objetivo es cautivar la atención de la audiencia para generar empatía y emociones, reconocidas como marcadores de aprendizaje. Se trata de una guía para el docente sobre cómo movilizar este tipo de fuente con sus alumnos en el aula o en otros contextos. Contiene también una diversidad de recursos con enfoque en áreas STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, matemáticas).

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    Play & resilience: a toolkit for teachers, caregivers, and other stakeholders

    Play is an easy, natural and universal practice that builds resilience. Play comes naturally to all children- and is a seemingly simple and light-hearted phenomenon. The power of play as a pathway to building resilience needs to be leveraged to provide children with the opportunity to further explore play in their home and school environments.

    This toolkit is therefore premised on the objectives to build the capacity of various stakeholders such as caregivers/teachers, school managers, curriculum planners and policy makers who are key actors in the process of growth and development of children. It is also aimed at equipping these stakeholders with the knowledge and pedagogical skills to translate research, policy and curriculum to practical knowledge and activities for children in the school environment. The toolkit offers directions for facilitators who will be working with caregivers/teachers using the materials and resources provided and other relevant materials available in an environment where it will be used.


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    Teacher's guide on early grade reading instruction

    Reading is a fundamental ability for all other learning activities. Students can learn only when they comprehend, and this requires appropriate reading skills in the first place. Appropriate reading skills support the learning of increasing amounts of instructional content. This is why children who fail to learn to read during their early years of schooling will encounter more difficulties in later grades and a higher risk of drop out. Quality early grade reading instruction is critical in preventing these challenges and risks as well as in protecting children’s rights to education and ensuring better chances of success in their life.

    Teachers are at the center of reading instruction and they need to be trained with pedagogical knowledge and management skills in order to provide students relevant and quality instruction. It has however been noted that teachers in many countries, especially low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa, lack the proper training and support on ways of teaching early grade reading to their students. Therefore, a comprehensive and practical guide on early grade reading is highly needed to bridge this gap.

    This guide aims to empower teachers in Africa by equipping them with the knowledge and skills of early grade reading, including the simple identification of the main pillars of reading, lesson planning and classroom management, taking into account the context in Africa. Subsequently, these teachers will help their students build basic reading skills in their early years of schooling.

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    A Teacher's Guide for Arts, Music and Drama in Africa

    Art, music and drama have had a pivotal role in the livelihood of human beings. This is clear by the wealth of literature, architecture, fine art, theater and music that define human past, present and future. The inherent creative ability and a yearning to express ourselves is what gives value to art, music and drama as companion components in human evolution. 

    This teacher's guide covers art, music, dance, drama, experiential learning, community engagement, and how to integrate these aspects into curriculum. Additionally, this document provides lesson plans for primary school students in these subject areas. 

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    Guía docente para el desarrollo de la lectoescritura emergente. Incluye orientaciones para su tratamiento en contextos bilingües

    Guía de apoyo al trabajo docente, cuyo contenido fortalece las competencias metodológicas de los docentes para orientar el desarrollo de habilidades de la lectoescritura emergente, en el idioma materno, de las niñas y niños atendidos en el nivel de preprimaria. La guía está estructurada en dos partes:

    I parte: fortalece los conocimientos acerca de la competencia de lectoescritura y de la etapa de lectoescritura emergente en particular, enfatiza el papel que juega la escuela y la importancia de aprender en el idioma materno.

    II parte: describe las habilidades de la lectoescritura emergente y para cada una, sugerencias de actividades para realizar en el aula.  Además, ofrece orientaciones específicas para desarrollar estas habilidades en contextos bilingües.

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    Global citizenship education in a digital age: teacher guidelines

    This publication has been designed both for new and experienced teachers, as well as other professionals working in non-formal education settings that engage with upper primary and secondary students.  


    1.By using principles of GCED, digital citizenship, and media and information literacy, the guidelines aim to build the capacities of teachers to prepare learners to understand the implications of global and digital transformations on education, and to build opportunities to practice ethical and responsible behaviours in physical and digital environments. They provide guidance on tapping into the positive potential of the digital transformation, including through new access to information, possibilities of connection, and the creation of tailored content.  

    2. Build learners’ capacities to think critically about the influences and content that they encounter and engage in creating in physical and digital spaces. 

    3. Shape learners’ understanding of global challenges and how they can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through globally oriented digital citizenship.

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    Faire des manuels scolaires des outils de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes

    Ce guide invite les enseignants à réfléchir aux inégalités de genre dans les manuels scolaires. Elle présente des bases légales et normatives sur lesquelles s’appuient cette question dans le cadre Français, des chronologies, infographies sur l’égalité de genre et l’élaboration des programmes. On y retrouve différents outils à destination des enseignants pour les accompagner au moment d’aborder ces sujets en classe dans différentes matières, ou plus largement dans la vie scolaire.  

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    Teacher Guide for Working with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

    The purpose of this teacher guide is to inspire teachers who want to work with climate change and sustainable development with their students. In this guide, you will find examples of teaching activities and teacher reflections on these activities. The activities described should be seen as inspiration. They could be adjusted according to a specific teaching context as preferred, thus aligned with the same objectives and perceived outcomes. The EU-project in which the activities were developed, was carried out with upper secondary students (aged 16-19). With smaller changes by the teachers, younger students can also work with the suggested activities. Beyond the goal of learning about climate change and sustainable development, the activities enable students to practice their critical thinking, and develop their communication and presentation skills. 

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    Assistive Technologies: Inclusive Teaching Guidelines for Educators

    Assistive technologies encompass tools and services designed to enhance learners' independence, participation, and success, helping them reach their full potential. This guide explains how educators can use assistive technology to create an inclusive environment that supports diverse learning styles and information processing. It introduces various assistive technologies that cater to individual learner needs, helping them overcome challenges. Educators should view assistive technologies as resources for all students, integrating them into the classroom to ensure widespread benefit and minimize the risk of stigmatization.

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    Teaching and Learning with Living Heritage: A Resource Kit for Teachers

    This resource kit includes several components that provide teachers with information on why and how to incorporate living heritage into their school based activities. It was developed as a result of the UNESCO–EU initiative on cultural heritage and education, under the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018, and it builds on projects across a variety of subjects developed by teacher from 10 countries.

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    Mathematics lesson starters for Grade 3 learners

    A set of teacher guides containing each 6 Mental Mathematics Lesson Starter units for Grade 3 learners, in alignment with the South African curriculum. A different calculation strategy is in focus in each unit. These calculation strategies are taken from the curriculum. Each unit covers a particular group of connected skills, and the aim is to move learners on from counting in ones on their fingers or with tally marks on paper.

    Each unit is three weeks long; it begins and ends with a short test for the learners. Marking these tests provides information for the teacher and the learners about how much they have improved in using that particular set of skills during the three weeks. Within each unit, the focus is on three types of calculations: fluency, strategic calculating and strategic thinking.

    Working through the Lesson Starters in each unit should lead to improvements in learners’ performance from the pre to post-tests. These improvements show progress in mental mathematics skills and number sense.

    The guide is available in 11 official languages of South Africa.

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    Experiencias de aprendizaje con OctoStudio para probar en tu aula

    Esta guía didáctica proporciona instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo descargar OctoStudio desde la web de ProFuturo, acompañadas de una introducción sobre cómo dar los primeros pasos en el uso de la aplicación. El objetivo principal es hacer que OctoStudio sea accesible para docentes de todos los niveles de experiencia tecnológica, facilitando así su implementación en entornos educativos diversos. OctoStudio es una aplicación desarrollada por el grupo Lifelong Kindergarten del MIT Media Lab que promete revolucionar la manera en que los educadores introducen la programación y el pensamiento computacional en las aulas.

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    Teaching to prevent atrocity crimes: a guide for teachers in Africa

    This is UNESCO's first resource with a regional focus on teaching to prevent atrocity crimes. It was developed with the United Nations and in partnership with the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA). The guide was informed by exchanges with African stakeholders and advisors and tested through a piloting exercise with African teachers and students. It provides principles for teachers to consider in facilitating learning and constructive discussions with their students.

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