تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
  • British Council,
    The Varkey Foundation
  • 2021
  • 187
  • 24.2 ميغابايت
  • pdf
  • EN  |  ES

Research and Analysis of School Closures Response in the Americas (RASCRA) - 2020

Launched on February 2021, this report summarizes an investigation carried out by The Varkey Foundation in partnership with the British Council. It compiles measures taken during the pandemic by governments and schools and allows to identify, taking into account the perspective of the different actors of the educational system, the lessons learned, and the pending challenges for 2021. 

Chapter 3, entitled Teacher responses to the crisis, presents a review of remote teaching resources, strategies and practices developed by teachers in the Americas during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also describes the actions governments are taking to strengthen teachers' professional development and provide them with support during the pandemic . Finally, it outlines three major changes identified by school leaders to better train and support teachers in the future.  

The research includes 11 countries in America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, the United States, Mexico, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay. Throughout the investigation, more than 200 documents were reviewed, 63 interviews with referents from the government, academia, NGOs, and unions were carried out; 11 focus group meetings with more than 70 teachers were held and a survey of more than 5000 teachers was delivered.