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    • 2022

    Peace Education Manual. Lesson plans for Peace Clubs

    This Peace Education Manual has been developed in collaboration with Finn Church Aid (FCA) Uganda, local partner Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum (UMYDF) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Network Finland.

    The manual was developed to strengthen the pedagogical and methodological quality of local peace clubs during the spring and summer of 2022. The contents of the manual were successfully piloted with more than 480 young people in eight lower secondary school peace clubs established and run by UMYDF with the support of FCA in Uganda. Two of the peace clubs are located in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world.

    The material consists of 34 lessons plans and is primarily aimed for young people. The different sections and activities of the material can be used flexibly in training, clubs, or, for example, as individual lessons on peace building, socio-emotional skills, conflict resolution or cooperation skills. The exercises are functional, learner-centered and emphasize active participation of youth. The material is adaptable for use anywhere in the world.

    FCA and UMYDF have been working together since 2016 in Uganda to promote the positive role of youth in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In our work, peace education is defined as a holistic, multidisciplinary and transformative process that seeks to develop capacities that promote non-violent conflict resolution, respect for human rights and active participation.

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    • 2023

    FCA & TWB Inclusive Education Manual

    This Teacher Training Manual on Inclusive Education supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in inclusive, quality education especially in diverse low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world. The Inclusive Education Manual directly contributes to realization of several targets of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all”.

    The manual was developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Network Finland. The content has been collected and built on the numerous good materials and practices used and co-developed by FCA staff and TWB education experts in different countries and contexts.

    The training manual consists of three (3) training modules that can be used flexibly:

    1. Education, Teacher and School Community,
    2. Inclusive Education, and
    3. Positive Classroom and Learning Environment for All Learners.

    The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.

    We hope you find it useful!

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    • 2023

    How to Train 21st Century Teachers

    Magdalena Brier, Managing Director at ProFuturo speaks with Mary Burns, ICT and teacher training specialist, about technology, education, teachers and the future. They delve into questions such as what skills a teacher must have to teach with technology, or what are the main obstacles that they encounter when trying to do so.

    Watch this video to know more about the future of digital education and to listen to key advices on how to use technology in the classroom provided by Mary Burns who has a 40 years’ experience on teacher training.

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    Experiencias de aprendizaje con OctoStudio para probar en tu aula

    Esta guía didáctica proporciona instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo descargar OctoStudio desde la web de ProFuturo, acompañadas de una introducción sobre cómo dar los primeros pasos en el uso de la aplicación. El objetivo principal es hacer que OctoStudio sea accesible para docentes de todos los niveles de experiencia tecnológica, facilitando así su implementación en entornos educativos diversos. OctoStudio es una aplicación desarrollada por el grupo Lifelong Kindergarten del MIT Media Lab que promete revolucionar la manera en que los educadores introducen la programación y el pensamiento computacional en las aulas.

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    • 2023

    Coordinated action to transform education. What's in it for teacher representatives?

    This briefs presents what teacher representatives gain through coordinated action. The involvement of teacher representative bodies in broader policy dialogue takes place through multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms, including local education groups (or the equivalent). Here, they can bring the attention of decision makers and other partners to issues and practices for ensuring coherence in the implementation of education policy, including investments needed in teacher preparation, professional development, raising teaching standards and improving teacher well-being.

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    • 2022

    Transformative pedagogy: a teachers’ guide for peace and resilience building in North Africa

    This guide is designed to build the capacity of teachers so that they are informed and empowered in why and how to educate for peace-building. It offers an analysis of conflict, examines the role of ethics, expands on the elements of transformative pedagogy. It also provides practical tools to support learners’ active participation in shaping the world around them and assess learners’ understanding of peacebuilding concepts and skills, all while engaging the community.

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    Empowering students for just societies: a handbook for secondary school teachers

    The aim of this guide is to provide teachers with a selection of relevant and accessible in-classroom and out-of-classroom educational resources (summaries of short activities, lessons, units) that aim to instil the principles of the rule of law among secondary school students.

    It can also be used by professionals working in non-formal education or engaging with young people, for example, in sports associations, community organizations, social work and the justice sector.

    A guide for primary school teachers is available here.

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    Empowering students for just societies: a handbook for primary school teachers

    The aim of this guide is to provide teachers with a selection of relevant and accessible in-classroom and out-of-classroom educational resources (summaries of short activities, lessons, units) that aim to instil the principles of the rule of law among primary school students.

    It can also be used by professionals working in non-formal education or engaging with young people, for example, in sports associations, community organizations, social work and the justice sector.

    A guide for secondary school teachers is available here.

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    • 2016

    A teacher's guide on the prevention of violent extremism

    This is UNESCO’s first teacher’s guide on the prevention of violent extremism through education. It was developed in order to ensure its relevance in different geographical and socio-cultural contexts. Therefore, it can be used as it is or further contextualized, adapted and translated in order to respond to the specific needs of learners. 

    The guide seeks to:
    - provides practical advice on when and how to discuss the issue of
    violent extremism and radicalization with learners;
    - help teachers create a classroom climate that is inclusive and conducive
    to respectful dialogue, open discussion and critical thinking.

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    • 2021

    Dear Kitty: teacher's guide for the film Where is Anne Frank?

    This guide provides teachers with the necessary tools to highlight historical and current themes from the animated film "Where is Anne Frank".

    It includes a preparatory lesson, a lesson to discuss the film and four detailed thematic follow-up lessons. The film and the lessons are accompanied by extensive background information and ready-to-use worksheets with information, questions and assignments.

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    • 2019

    Recommendations for teaching and learning about the Holocaust

    Benefiting from the expertise of delegates from more than 30 member countries, the IHRA Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust are intended to provide a basis for policymakers, practitioners, and educators that will help them:
    1. Develop knowledge of the Holocaust, ensuring accuracy in individual understanding and knowledge and raising awareness about the possible consequences of antisemitism;
    2. Create engaging teaching environments for learning about the Holocaust;
    3. Promote critical and reflective thinking about the Holocaust including the ability to counter Holocaust denial and distortion;
    4. Contribute to Human Rights and genocide prevention education

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    • 2020

    Teachers’ self-efficacy in preventing and intervening in school bullying: a systematic review

    This article presents a systematic review of existing literature on the extent of teachers’ self-efficacy in managing bullying and its connection to the likelihood that teachers will intervene in bullying, to their intervention strategies, and the prevention measures they employ, as well as students’ bullying behavior and their experiences of victimization.

    The study presents practical implications in relation to teacher initial education and professional development: teachers with higher self-efficacy tend to intervene more often in bullying situations, so it's important that teacher training programs are designed to support teacher's self-efficacy, through the use of appropriate methods, such as the use of role-play to practice specific professional behaviours.

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    Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

    These guidelines offer concrete, hands-on guidance for teachers and educators, primarily in primary and secondary education, to promote digital literacy and tackle disinformation.

    They offer clear explanations of technical concepts, class-exercises for fact-checking, ways to encourgage "good" online habits and ways to assess students regarding their copetencie snt he field of digital literacy.

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    • 2017

    Textbooks for sustainable development: a guide to embedding

    This guidebook aims to support textbook authors and publishing houses to produce a new generation of textbooks that integrate education for sustainable development. By doing so, it aspires to make learning relevant and effective. It also contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Textbook authors and educators are encouraged to use this guidebook as a source of ideas, tools and methods that can help to enrich content and pedagogy and complement their own individual and institutional strategies. The guidebook offers concrete guidance for textbook authors on how to reorient the existing curriculum content towards peace, sustainable development and global citizenship.

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    • 2022

    Putting PIRLS to use in classrooms across the globe. Evidence-based contributions for teaching reading comprehension in a multilingual context

    This book aims to bridge the gap between science and practice and help teachers transform the latest scientific insights regarding reading comprehension into didactic guidelines to use in everyday practice for all students. It consists of two parts:  Part I, Reading Comprehension: From Research to Practical Teaching Guidelines, comprises three chapters and discusses the teaching of reading comprehension in general. In Part II, Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Classroom, the focus is on multilingual students.

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    • 2019

    Cognitive load theory: Research that teachers really need to understand

    To improve student performance, teachers need to understand the evidence base that informs and helps improve their practice. An area of research with significant implications for teaching practice is cognitive load theory.

    This paper describes the research on cognitive load theory and what it means for more effective teaching practice. The first part of the paper explains how human brains learn according to cognitive load theory, and outlines the evidence base for the theory. The second part of the paper examines the implications of cognitive load theory for teaching practice, and describes some recommendations that are directly transferable to the classroom.

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    • 2022

    IEA English resource pack for educators

    This resource pack is based on IEA’s Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and uses the PIRLS materials to support the best practices for teaching reading comprehension in a classroom. It accompanies the How to Help Students Develop Reading Comprehension Skills Teacher Snippet XL and book Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe, which is part of the IEA Research for Educators series.

    It contains reading passages with corresponding questions and the related scoring guide to address students’ needs in reading comprehension processes. The scoring guide provides correct answers for multiple choice questions (MC) and points to the evidence that needs to be considered in deciding about correctness of the responses to the constructed response questions (CR) with some useful examples included. The international averages displayed for each question illustrate how challenging the questions were overall for students in PIRLS 2016.

    When using the passage as an evaluation, the results should be used in a formative way for helping teachers identify and focus on the processes that students are having difficulties with.

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