Knowledge Hub
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Policy document
Global framework of professional teaching standards
This document outlines a Professional Teaching Standards Framework for teachers. The framework focuses on clarifying and specifying teaching standards aimed at enhancing equitable and quality...
Declaration / Statement
Déclaration de Bogota
Fruit de la deuxième session de la Coalition latino-américaine pour un enseignement d’excellence, cette déclaration, prononcée à Bogota, en Colombie, en novembre 2019, expose la vision et les...
Declaration / Statement
Regional agenda: policies for excellence in teaching
This document was written based on the discussions that took place at the first meeting of the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence in Buenos Aires on 7 and 8 February 2019, organized by...
Declaration / Statement
Declaration on teachers' working conditions
The members of the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence share this declaration in the hope of promoting a regional dialogue on the key factors for ensuring the necessary working conditions...
Declaration / Statement
Declaration on initial teacher training
The members of the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence make this declaration, which presents what they consider to be the components of quality initial teacher training. The declaration...
How can teaching be professionalized?
In recent decades, several educational systems in Latin America have undertaken reforms to professionalize teaching. In this current study, the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence, in...
Policies for teachers in Latin America during a pandemic: lessons learned and challenges ahead
This study aims to understand how education systems in Latin America have adapted to promote teaching excellence in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also aims to identify good practices that...
Characteristics of effective teacher education in low- and middle-income countries: What are they and what role can EdTech play?
Even though teacher education programmes have the potential to improve pupil learning outcomes, the impact of these programmes has varied widely in LMICs. A lack of understanding of the specific...
Global managerial education: Reforms and teachers - Emerging policies, controversies and issues in developing contexts
This publication, which has resulted from a collaboration between the Education International Research Institute and the University of Amsterdam’s IS Academie, reveals a global trend of educational...