Knowledge Hub
Displaying 1 - 12 of 28
Manual / Handbook / Guidelines
Secondary teacher management: requirements, allocation, and utilization - Guidelines
These guidelines published by IIEP are designed to support policy makers and technical staff in the planification and anticipation of their needs when managing secondary teaching staff to prevent...
Policy brief
Revisión de las políticas públicas del sector de educación en Guatemala
Este informe dedica el tercer capítulo a la política docente en Guatemala como uno de los componentes fundamentales para una educación de calidad. Se hace una revisión de las políticas existentes...
Teacher management in refugee settings: Uganda
This case study aims to contribute to the burgeoning evidence base on teachers working in crisis and displacement contexts and to provide the Government of Uganda, UNHCR and other key partners with...
Altruism or money? Reducing teacher sorting using behavioral strategies in Peru
Inequality in access to high-quality teachers is an important driver of student socioeconomic achievement gaps. This article experimentally evaluates a novel nation-wide low-cost government program...
Teacher transfers and the disruption of teacher staffing in the City of Sao Paulo
This paper analyzes preferences for certain school attributes among in-service teachers. It explores a centralized matching process in the city of Sao Paulo that teachers must use when transferring...
The potential of smart matching platforms in teacher assignment: The case of Ecuador
This paper studies the potential of personalized smart information interventions to improve teacher assignment results in the context of a centralized choice and assignment system in Ecuador...
Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier
Many forces determine teachers’ effectiveness. One relatively neglected but significant factor is the nature of the professional support that teachers receive locally. Almost every system includes a...
Seleccionar y asignar docentes en América Latina y el Caribe: un camino para la calidad y equidad en educación
Considerando los desafíos que la región enfrenta en seleccionar y asignar los mejores docentes a las escuelas que más los necesitan este documento busca responder dos preguntas fundamentales: ¿cómo...
El problema de la escasez de docentes en Latinoamérica y las políticas para enfrentarlo
Para contribuir al debate sobre la escasez de docentes en Latinoamérica, este artículo reúne información inédita de la región para construir indicadores y analizar la falta de docentes en cinco...
¿Quiénes estudian pedagogía en América Latina y el Caribe? Tendencias y desafíos en el perfil de los futuros docentes
Latinoamérica y el Caribe enfrentan importantes desafíos en materia de dotación y calidad de la fuerza laboral docente. En un contexto de necesidad de más y mejores docentes en las escuelas, este...
Shanghai case study: A middle-tier space to support a high performing school system
This case study was carried out as part of the IIEP UNESCO and Education Development Trust research project on ‘Instructional leaders at the middle tier of education systems’. The research looks at...
Policy brief
Ensuring effective teacher management in refugee settings: Public schools in Jordan. Policy brief
This policy brief aims to provide research-informed policy guidance for the effective management of elementary-level teachers in public schools catering to Syrian refugees in Jordan. The guidance is...