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  • 12.05.2021

Female science and mathematics teachers: Better than they think?

This article was first published on April 22, 2021, on the UNESCO website.

On 22 April, on the occasion of International Girls in ICT Day, the importance of engaging girls and young women all around the world to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been highlighted.

More urgently than ever before, more girls and women are needed in STEM. In over two-thirds of education systems, less than 25% of students in engineering, manufacturing, construction, or information and communication technologies (ICT) are women. Yet STEM careers are growing in demand, and needed to solve the current challenges facing the world including COVID-19, climate change and food and water security.

Considering this urgency, UNESCO and the International Association of the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) investigated how teacher self-efficacy and gender are related in mathematics and science teaching in a special issue of the IEA Compass: Briefs in Education Series.

Using data from IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015, the brief explores the relationship between teachers’ gender and learners’ mathematics and science achievement and how female teachers’ self-efficacy relates to job satisfaction. The brief also discusses implications for teaching and suggests actions to address gender gaps.

Female teachers have been associated with improved educational experiences and enhanced learning outcomes for girls in some contexts. By acting as positive role models for girls, female teachers are found to effectively dispel myths about innate abilities among boys and improve girls’ perceptions, interest, and self-efficacy in STEM. Yet, the latest brief suggests that lower self-efficacy of female science and mathematics teachers may affect girls’ own self-efficacy in these subjects, and their pursuit of STEM careers.

“At my school, female teachers are well represented in STEM subjects, but I was unaware that they could experience lower self-efficacy than men”, says Tanja Neuschmidt, a mathematics and chemistry teacher at the Heinrich-Hertz-Schule in Hamburg, Germany, on her perceptions of gender in teaching.

“As a teacher, I see girls and boys demonstrating different attitudes in mathematics and chemistry subjects, with girls feeling less confident than boys in these subjects”, she said. “I did not expect that this could be linked to teachers' self-esteem.” Tanja is keen to discuss the findings of this brief with her peers to encourage more girls to build self-confidence and to value their success in STEM fields as they explore their future careers.

Read the brief for the full findings across different countries.

Photo: UNESCO/Maina WaGioko

  • 11.05.2021

UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development - call for nominations 2021-2022


The seventh edition of the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development has opened the call for nominations.

Funded by the Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance, the prize is awarded every two years and recognizes innovative practices that contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning around the world, with priority given to developing countries and to marginalized and disadvantaged communities.

The Prize of US $300,000 will be divided between three winners.

Candidates should be institutions, organizations and educational or research institutes which are working to enhance the performance and effectiveness of teachers.

Applications are to be submitted in English or French by 15 February 2022 t midnight (Paris time, GMT+1) via a dedicated online platform.  For more information on the nomination and application process, download the application guide and visit the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development website.

Download the Statutes of UNESCO-Hamdan Prize.

Enquiries regarding the selection process should be addressed to the Prize Secretariat, phone: +33 1 45 68 23 22, e-mail:

  • pdf
  • 05.05.2021
  • FR

Teacher Task Force - Annual Report 2020

The work of the Teacher Task Force in 2020 is based on three main lines of action plus governance, as identified in the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan. Progress and challenges have been reported against...
  • 26.04.2021

Conversations on Teaching during COVID-19 Webinar Series

At the end of 2020, the OECD, UNESCO and the Teacher Task Force launched a campaign to hear from teachers around the world about their experience of teaching during the pandemic. We asked them to send in videos describing how they adapted to the crisis, and many wonderful and fascinating insights were shared. These are now publicly available in the Global Teaching InSights platform

To build on this extraordinary work by teachers, we are hosting a series of interactive virtual Conversations on Teaching During Covid-19. Each conversation will bring together a panel of teachers around a common theme to talk more about the challenges they faced and how they have responded in innovative ways.

If you are a teacher or school leader, we invite you join us in these conversations and take part in a deeper discussion on the innovations we saw from teachers around the world. 

Each conversation will be hosted on Zoom Meeting and will be fully interactive, with all participants encouraged to join the discussion.

  • 8 April - Conversation 1: Learning continuity and innovative pedagogy (hosted by UNESCO). Watch the meeting recording.
  • 15 April - Conversation 2: Social-emotional support in a time of crisis (hosted by UNESCO). Watch the meeting recording.
  • 22 April - Conversation 3: Building a stronger profession together (hosted by the OECD). 

Find out more about the starring teachers:

Conversation 1: Learning continuity and innovative pedagogy (Watch the meeting recording)

  • Thomas Harefa from Indonesia shares how he has brought the students back to the center of the teaching practice through self-paced learning
  • Sandeepa Chavan from Ghana shares her experience on making learning fun and enjoyable.
  • Amit Bansal from India shares how he used coding to teach mathematics and geometrics.
  • Seenu Atoll School from the Maldives promotes a creative reading programme for early childhood education.


Conversation 2: Social-emotional support in a time of crisis (Watch the meeting recording)

  • Marina Watt  from Hong Kong (China) shares how she created “affirmation cards” that help students focus to positive thinking. 
  • Nana Gulic  from Croatia shares how she developed resources to help students verbalize their emotions and shared them in an online platform.
  • Noemi Baysa  from the Philippines develops a global citizen project
  • Daniel Antonio Jiménez  from Colombia had his students create music with homemade instruments, involving their families as well.


Conversation 3: Building a stronger profession together


Closing Webinar:  Rethinking the classroom after COVID-19: Insights and innovations from teachers (Register to participate or watch on YouTube)

  • Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD
  • Borhene Chakroun, Director of the Division of Policies and Lifelong Learning, UNESCO
  • Catherine Gregory, Director of Teaching and Learning / Head of English at Cheadle Hume School in the United Kingdom
  • Fernando Mesquita, Educational Leader at a school in Brazil
  • Filipa Matos, History and Citizenship Teacher in Portugal
  • Eirene Christa Luturmas, Elementary School Teacher in Indonesia
  • 07.04.2021

Teaching on the front line

The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 has released a new Fact Sheet on how teachers have been affected by COVID-19, which draws on recent survey data. The data points to significant challenges to teachers in most countries in the world, but also sheds light on the resources made available to the teaching profession and the huge divide between the world’s richest and poorest regions.  While many countries are still struggling with full or partial school closures, the experience of the past year shows us that, in most of them, governments will need to introduce effective responses to support teachers and ensure no learners are left behind.

With the rapid closure of schools, different forms of remote/distance education including high-, low- and no-tech solutions became the main vehicle for teachers to deliver or support instruction. The majority of countries reported the inclusion of remote learning in their education responses, but due to the digital divide and lack of household devices and internet, different approaches emerged. In Europe, 92% of countries asked teachers to conduct online learning, whereas teachers were encouraged to support radio- and television-based learning in 91% of countries in Central and Southern Asia and 73% in sub-Saharan Africa.  With the reopening of schools, marking a second significant shift in teaching within months, regional approaches continued to diverge as half of European countries introduced hybrid instruction with teachers juggling between online and offline components, compared to 58% of countries in sub-Saharan Africa that offered fully in-person classes with its own set of challenges.


How were teachers supported to cope with new learning modalities?

For most teachers the move to distance teaching resulted in heavier workloads, having to learn to deliver lessons remotely, adapt content, train themselves in new technologies and establish new working routines. To support teachers, 62% of countries globally provided teachers with instructions on distance teaching and learning and 55% provided content adapted for remote teaching such as open educational resources (OERs) and sample lesson plans (55%). While teachers can also play a greater role in the co-creation of online content, just 44% of countries, however, offered specialised training focusing in particular on the use of remote learning platforms and information and communication technology (ICT) tools.

It is also urgent to reduce the digital divide unveiled by school closures. Countries can support teachers by providing them with computers, mobile phones and free Internet. Yet globally, only 35% of countries provided teachers with devices and subsidized Internet access, and this decreased to just 12% in sub-Saharan Africa.  


Were teachers’ salaries protected and how were they impacted?

Protecting employment and wages and providing benefits are key to the recognition of the essential role that teachers have played to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on learning. This is critical to mitigate teacher attrition and ensure their engagement for sustaining quality education. School closures resulted in challenges for the payment of salaries in both the public and private sectors, particularly for ‘contract teachers. Yet whereas the majority of public sector teachers were not impacted during school closures, 10% of countries globally reported not paying or reducing payments to contract teachers, increasing to 20% in sub-Saharan Africa.


How have governments ensured teachers’ health, safety and well-being?

The protection of teachers’ and students’ health and safety remains the priority in the return to in-person teaching. Based on national requirements to prevent the spread of COVID-19, countries have responded with a number of different measures such as the introduction of hybrid learning, imposing shift work and adding teachers to reduce class sizes. Hybrid teaching was introduced in 80% of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, while imposing teaching in shifts occurred in two thirds of countries in Central and Southern Asia. Lastly, the addition of teachers to reduce class size occurred in 14% of countries, globally, ranging from 26% in Europe and Northern America to 8% in Latin America, and none in Oceania. More broadly, about 1 in 4 countries have reported recruiting teachers beyond the normal recruitment cycle.

Governments have also had to ensure proper sanitation in schools, including providing soap, masks and personal protective equipment. Less than two-thirds (63%) of countries around the world reported having enough resources and school infrastructure to ensure proper sanitation in schools and protect teachers and learners. This varied from 89% of countries in Europe and Northern America to fewer than 50% in Central and Southern Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Oceania and sub-Saharan Africa.

Moreover, a comprehensive strategy for socio-emotional monitoring and support is needed to ensure teacher well-being. Globally, just 40% of countries reported providing professional and psychosocial support for teachers, ranging from two-thirds of countries (67%) in Europe to just 14% in Oceania and 4% in sub-Saharan Africa.


What are the policy implications?

As teachers are at the heart of ensuring learning continuity, it is critical that policy-makers and education stakeholders implement measures to mitigate the disruptions to teachers’ work. This includes offering teachers specialized training and support, safeguarding their wages and benefits, and guaranteeing their return to a safe and healthy school environment. The global disparities in support and working conditions available to teachers mean that more targeted interventions are urgently needed to design locally suitable solutions and help level the playing field.


In 2020 UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank as part of the coordinated global education response to the COVID-19 pandemic, conducted a Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures. The survey included two data collections during 2020: the first on school closures and the transition to remote education and the second that assessed the measures for reopening schools. This data collection was administered by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and cover government responses to school closures from pre-primary to secondary education.

The objective of this survey was to support regions and countries with data on teacher responses to the COVID-19 crisis to inform further decision-making that fosters the conditions for teaching and learning to continue successfully during further school closures and during the preparation and return to school. It also has implications for general education crisis management and for building more resilient education systems to mitigate learning loss and avoid a generational catastrophe in education.


  • 23.03.2021

Global Teaching Insights during Covid-19 - A joint OECD – UNESCO – TTF initiative

Crowdsourcing teacher innovations

In November 2020 the OECD, UNESCO and the Teacher Task Force issued an invitation for teachers, teacher educators and school leaders to submit videos in which they were asked to identify innovative responses that they developed as a response to COVID-19. The idea behind identifying and leveraging these innovations was to:

  • Support other teachers who are facing similar changes and challenges around the globe.
  • Shape society’s efforts to build stronger classrooms for the future.
  • Recognise the unwavering dedication and commitment of the profession.

In particular, the teachers, teacher educators and school leaders were asked to respond to the following questions:

  • What innovations in your teaching are you most proud of?
  • What new forms of collaboration with your peers have been most helpful?
  • What have you learnt and what will your teaching look like in the future?

At the end of the campaign in February 2021, over 100 videos were submitted from 25 countries in 11 languages. The contributions are remarkably diverse and are available on the OECD’s Global Teaching InSights platform.


Overarching themes

Many of the following themes were covered in the teachers’ submissions:

  • Different ways to manage the classroom to ensure learning continuity
  • Providing learners with social-emotional support and building resilience
  • Developing new instructional practices and tackling learning gaps
  • New ways of collaborating with peers


Identifying and leveraging the most promising innovations

The international teaching community is now able to watch and engage with videos through the OECD’s Global Teaching InSights platform.

Alongside an international panel of experts, teachers have the opportunity to identify the innovations that can have a long-lasting impact at scale by filtering the videos by themes and key words.

A series of conversations is planned to bring together teachers, school leaders, policymakers and researchers to discuss the leading ideas and innovations of these videos and what they mean for education going forward. Visit the Conversations on Teaching event post to know the details.

Watch the recording of the first two Coversations: 

Conversation on Teaching during COVID-19 - Learning continuity and innovative pedagogy, which took place 8 April 2021.


Conversation on Teaching during COVID-19 - Social-emotional support in a time of crisis, which took place 15 April 2021:


Closing Webinar:  Rethinking the classroom after COVID-19: Insights and innovations from teachers (28 April 2021):