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  • Gustavo E. Fischman, Daniel Fischer, Iveta Silova and Jordan King
  • 2020
  • EN
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Calling Educators to Action on Climate Crisis

Across the globe, youth are acting with urgency and passion to challenge the inadequate response of global leaders to the climate crisis, aiming to propel action toward sustainability and justice. Thousands of young students on all continents are participating in school strikes and mobilizing for other related actions to call attention to the vast consequences of the climate crisis, while calling for immediate action. The impetus for the protests stems from the failure of political, social, and economic systems to address the ecological and human injustice caused by the climate change. As youth across the planet continue to strike, demanding action from world leaders, the effect on educators should be both inspiring and awakening. As individuals, professionals, and as a collective field, educators too must recognize our role in the problems spurred by climate change and step up to the urgent challenge to act on climate crisis and injustice.

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