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  • 11.04.2024
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Time to Teach – Morocco

Teacher absenteeism is one of the biggest obstacles to educational progress and children's learning and poses a particularly serious problem in developing countries. Although there is a lack of...
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  • 11.09.2023

Who becomes a teacher and why?

This paper reports on a comprehensive review of international evidence, synthesising the findings of some of the strongest empirical work on the main factors influencing people's decisions to be...
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  • 07.07.2023

How Artificial Intelligence will impact K-12 teachers

This article analyses the potential of Artificial Intelligence to support teachers through the automation of tasks like preparation activities, administration, evaluation and feedback, so that they...
  • 09.04.2020

Climate change action: organising to win

As education trade unionists gather together for the 8th EI World Congress, it is clear that working people and students are on the front lines of climate change. Already 83 million climate-related...