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  • Maria Carolina Alban Conto,
  • 2022
  • 65
  • 518 KB
  • pdf
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR
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Time to Teach – Morocco

Teacher absenteeism is one of the biggest obstacles to educational progress and children's learning and poses a particularly serious problem in developing countries. Although there is a lack of empirical studies on teacher absenteeism in primary and secondary schools in Morocco, various studies indicate that it is a widespread problem that affects pupils at public and rural schools in particular.

The Time to Teach study aims to help foster a better understanding of teacher absenteeism and teaching time in Moroccan primary and secondary schools. To achieve this aim, the study adopts a broad definition of teacher absenteeism that includes: 1) absence from school, 2) poor punctuality, 3) absence from class, and 4) reduced time spent teaching. Underlying factors are explored at five different levels of the education system: national, subnational (regional and provincial), community, school (the institution) and individual (the teacher).

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