Knowledge Hub
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Teacher professional development in the Arab States during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study, commissioned by UNESCO Office Beirut, analyses the situation of teachers in several Arab countries during the COVID-19 crisis. Given the importance of teachers as leaders and agents of...
Teacher professional identity: How to develop and support it in times of change
Promoting and supporting the development of strong professional identities in teachers is relevant to teachers, policy makers and the research community. The benefits of examining Teacher Professional...
Handling the COVID-19 crisis in education: What can TALIS 2018 tell us?
The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 was released on the 23rd March. For the first time the OECD’s Education and Skills Director Andreas Schleicher presented the report remotely...
Coronavirus: Our principles, values, and shared humanity
Combat of the Coronavirus has graduated in many countries to closing of schools and most public gatherings and some businesses. EI has mostly focused on the impact on education and teachers and...