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  • pdf
  • 31.10.2023
  • EN

Making teacher policy work

Presentation by Ezequiel Molina, Senior Economist in the Education Global Practice, World Bank, at the online workshop Global pathways to an attractive teaching profession, that was held on 6th...
Manual / Directrices
  • pdf
  • 02.10.2023
  • EN

Promoting inclusive teacher education: Policy

This advocacy guide on ‘Policy’ is the second in a series of five guides devoted to ‘Promoting Inclusive Teacher Education’. It can be used on its own or in combination with the four other advocacy...
Documento de política pública
  • pdf
  • 29.08.2023
  • EN  |  FR

Marco de competencias docentes de Asia Sudoriental

Esta publicación es fruto de una colaboración regional entre 11 ministerios de Educación de Asia Sudoriental (10 países de la Asociación de Naciones de Asia Sudoriental [ASEAN] y Timor-Leste), que...