Centro de conocimientos
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Training teachers on the job: what works and how to measure it
This paper reviews the existing body of evidence on what kinds of in-service teacher training interventions are most effective, and highlights the knowledge gaps. It reveals the dearth of detail on...
Solving the teacher shortage: How to attract and retain excellent educators
This paper reviews an extensive body of research on teacher recruitment and retention, and identifies five major factors that influence teachers’ decisions to enter, stay in, or leave the teaching...
What matters most for teacher deployment? A case study of teacher preferences in Sierra Leone
This study aimed to better understand why the inequitable distribution of teachers persists in Sierra Leone despite the investments in the education workforce, and how the government may resolve this...
Formación inicial docente en lectoescritura inicial. Nicaragua
Esta investigación centra su esfuerzo en detectar las fortalezas y brechas del currículo de formación inicial docente de los maestros de primaria con relación a la evidencia científica sobre lo que...
Formación inicial docente en lectoescritura inicial. República Dominicana
La investigación regional de la Red para la Lectoescritura Inicial de Centroamérica y el Caribe (RedLEI) se propuso indagar sobre el proceso de formación de docentes de la región que enseñarán a leer...
Formación inicial docente en lectoescritura inicial. Guatemala
Esta investigación exploró los procesos de enseñanza en lectoescritura inicial (LEI) que reciben docentes en formación de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. La investigación es parte del estudio...
Formación inicial docente en lectoescritura inicial. El Salvador
Esta investigación exploró los procesos de enseñanza en lectoescritura inicial (LEI) que reciben docentes en formación de la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas de El Salvador. La...
Formación inicial docente en lectoescritura inicial. Honduras
Este estudio presenta los resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán con el objetivo indagar sobre el proceso de formación que reciben los...
Characteristics of effective teacher education in low- and middle-income countries: What are they and what role can EdTech play?
Even though teacher education programmes have the potential to improve pupil learning outcomes, the impact of these programmes has varied widely in LMICs. A lack of understanding of the specific...
Nota sobre políticas
Rapid response briefing note: Remote learning and Covid-19 outbreak
A rapid response briefing note, it provides guidance and 'rules of thumb' for policymakers for the use of technology at scale across the education system. The guidance provided draws from existing...
Nota sobre políticas
Guidance note on Remote Learning and Covid-19
The guidance note highlights the principles based on which countries can maximise the effectiveness of their distance learning mechanisms and strategies. It focuses on ensuring that a multi-faceted...
Defending the right to education! Latin American teachers’ unions fighting against making education a business
What is becoming increasingly significant in the rest of the world has long since been reality in Latin America; education as a business. To get parents to send their children to fee-paying private...