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African regional group sets way forward for 2019

The focal points of the African countries member of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 21-22 March to discuss and agree on the way they could work together to implement the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan and collaborate with the different structures composing the Teacher Task Force.

Three important points where raised during the meeting pertaining to functioning of the regional group and its contribution to the overall work of the Teacher Task Force:

  • How to better communicate,
  • How to mobilise resources in the region, and
  • How to contribute to the work of the TTF’s thematic groups.

Reinforcing the communication

During the consultation, emphasis was made on the need for better communication between the region’s focal points.

To improve communication with teacher education stakeholders at country and regional levels, FPs noted that it would be necessary to do a map in f ail organizations working on teacher issues in their respective countries and regions, in order to facilitate direct contact with them and ensure the coordination of their activities with the Teacher Task Force’s work.

The use of digital communication tools was discussed, in particular the use of email and virtual collaborative platforms, to enable the sharing of information between national focal points of each sub regional group.

The focal points present also discussed the need for more regular meetings in order to reflect on work done and progress made in the region. They agreed on the need to organised quarterly meetings with national and regional stakeholders, either on face-to-face basis or virtually.

Mobilising resources

When it comes to funding, it was recommended to avoid duplication of work and commitment and the creation of additional layers, but to seek donors already present at country level and identify actors interested in teacher issues.

As far as technical expertise, focal points are encouraged to use the help of UNESCO and its regional office in identifying the expertise required for a particular activity. A mapping of the expertise available in the sub regional groups was also discussed and encouraged.

Political support: focal points are the primary link between local authorities and the Teacher Task Force. To ensure full support of national ministries of education, regular reporting by focal points on TTF events and activities is advised. Focal points can also mobilize support at national level by ensuring linkages between TTF activities and national plans.

Contributing to research

The main goals of the Teacher Task Force are to raise awareness and produce knowledge on teacher issues. Four groups with each a particular thematic focus were created to this end. The African Regional group reiterated its interest in collaborating with identified ongoing research projects, by sharing local level research and best practices that could feed into the thematic groups planned activities.

The creation of instruments designed to collect and provide information on the thematic areas was discussed as well as the ways the reporting could be done.

Following this first meeting, consultations will be organised in the Arab States on 17-19 June 2019 and in the Latin America and Caribbean region on 17-19 July 2019.