تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Learning from innovation in teaching and learning in Serbian Vocational Schools

متى؟ الخميس, يونيو 23, 2022 - 14:00 - الخميس, يونيو 23, 2022 - 15:30
المنطقة الزمنية:
  • European Training Foundation

Join teachers, learners, mentors and trainers from 6 Serbian schools for a webinar to learn how they have changed their processes of teaching and learning over the last 5 months. 

How well does multi-disciplinary learning, collaborative learning and authentic learning work in practice? 

Having conducted research into innovation into teaching and learning, it became clear that there was a need to work with teachers in vocational schools to see which innovations  fit with the needs of teachers and learners and with their vocational programmes. Not theoretically in the future but now, in real schools by real teachers and learners.  Only in this way can we learn which innovations are relevant to vocational teachers and learners in ETF’s 29 partner countries. 

Nine groups of vocational teachers from six schools in Serbia expressed particular interest in experimenting with different approaches – in particular in multi-disciplinary projects, but also in collaborative, entrepreneurial and authentic learning.  These teachers participated in professional development aimed at supporting them to design new programmes that would make use of innovative ways of teaching and learning.  They were then supported to implement these programmes.

In this webinar teachers will share their experiences. Mentors and researchers will discuss the results of the projects and  draw out the key messages for other schools and teachers.  The projects were supported by the Centre for Vocational and Adult Education, Serbia and GIZ Serbia. Mentoring and training were organised by Education Forum, Serbia. 

Identifying and evaluating innovations in teaching and learning is a priority of ETF and is being addressed through the Creating New Learning Project. The projects in Serbia make up one of three innovation partnerships. 

How to register? 

If you wish to participate in the online event, please click HERE to fill in the registration form for this event.

After registering you will receive the link to access the meeting. 
The event will take place in online on the Zoom platform and will be delivered in English and BCMS.


In case you have any questions, please contact: etf.educators-community@stepseurope.it

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