Teacher Task Force Thematic Groups Meeting: Pre-Primary Teachers and Facilitators
ILO Policy Guidelines on the promotion of decent work for early childhood education personnel
Tashkent Declaration and Commitments to Action for Transforming Early Childhood Care and Education
Global report on early childhood care and education: the right to a strong foundation
Early childhood care and education teacher competency framework for Southeast Asia
Early childhood education and care workforce development. A foundation for process quality
KIX EAP Education Policy and Innovation Conference 2023 (EPIC)
The second KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference aims to create a forum for intensifying dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from the Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The conference will provide a venue for bridging the seemingly perennial gap between research, policy, and practice. In bringing together educational sector experts and institutions, the conference will mobilize knowledge and provide visibility to national and regional expertise. It welcomes recent data-driven research and best practice, which addresses current national and regional challenges and provides prospective solutions.
Join the panel discussion on Improving coverage and quality in early childhood education 8 June 11:30am (Zurich time) during which UNESCO will present the work done in the framework of the 2022 UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), with the support of the Teacher Task Force and its thematic group on ECCE, led by VVOB - education for development.
For more information and to register, visit the official website of the conference.
KIX EAP Education Policy and Innovation Conference 2023 (EPIC)
The second KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference aims to create a forum for intensifying dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from the Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The conference will provide a venue for bridging the seemingly perennial gap between research, policy, and practice. In bringing together educational sector experts and institutions, the conference will mobilize knowledge and provide visibility to national and regional expertise. It welcomes recent data-driven research and best practice, which addresses current national and regional challenges and provides prospective solutions.
Join the panel discussion on Improving coverage and quality in early childhood education 8 June 11:30am (Zurich time) during which UNESCO will present the work done in the framework of the 2022 UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), with the support of the Teacher Task Force and its thematic group on ECCE, led by VVOB - education for development.
For more information and to register, visit the official website of the conference.