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Teacher Resource Centre

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Innovation route: Professional level

At the professional level, innovation will be discussed and it will be analyzed what has changed in pedagogical methodologies. There will also be success stories and proposals for the application of these methodologies that aim to guide the identification of improvement points, needs and problems in the classroom.

In order to access the course it is required to sign up (for free) in ProFuturo's platform.

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Innovation route: Basic level

The aim of this teacher professional development proposal is to reflect on the importance of innovation and creativity in the classroom and to lay the foundations for the development of practices aimed at fostering it. In this level, innovation will be promoted as a primary competence for the implementation of a quality teaching-learning model.

In order to access the course it is required to sign up (for free) in ProFuturo's platform.

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Mathematics for everyone: JUMP Math!

The aim of this training is to improve the teaching capabilities of primary school teachers in the area of mathematics, inspired by the philosophy and methodology of JUMP Math: a teaching-learning model that allows all students to acquire a mathematical basis sufficient to face life and professional challenges with confidence.

In order to access the course it is required to sign up (for free) in ProFuturo's platform.

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Youth empowerment for peace and resilience building and prevention of violent extremism in Sahel and surrounding countries: a guide for teachers

This guide is designed to build the capacity of secondary school teachers and teacher educators to integrate a peace and resilience building approach in education for the prevention of violent extremism. It builds on the Transformative Pedagogy for Peace-building guide and it was contextualized to the context the Sahel and surrounding countries.

The guide redefines the role of teachers, inviting them to make a paradigm shift in adopting a transformative pedagogy that allows learners to actively participate in their own learning. Transformative pedagogy builds on active pedagogy and the competencies-based approach. The guide concludes with engaging learning activities to support experiential learning.

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Empowering students for just societies: a handbook for secondary school teachers

The aim of this guide is to provide teachers with a selection of relevant and accessible in-classroom and out-of-classroom educational resources (summaries of short activities, lessons, units) that aim to instil the principles of the rule of law among secondary school students.

It can also be used by professionals working in non-formal education or engaging with young people, for example, in sports associations, community organizations, social work and the justice sector.

A guide for primary school teachers is available here.

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Empowering students for just societies: a handbook for primary school teachers

The aim of this guide is to provide teachers with a selection of relevant and accessible in-classroom and out-of-classroom educational resources (summaries of short activities, lessons, units) that aim to instil the principles of the rule of law among primary school students.

It can also be used by professionals working in non-formal education or engaging with young people, for example, in sports associations, community organizations, social work and the justice sector.

A guide for secondary school teachers is available here.

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Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

These guidelines offer concrete, hands-on guidance for teachers and educators, primarily in primary and secondary education, to promote digital literacy and tackle disinformation.

They offer clear explanations of technical concepts, class-exercises for fact-checking, ways to encourgage "good" online habits and ways to assess students regarding their copetencie snt he field of digital literacy.

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Simulation de négociation en faveur de la biodiversité. Kit pédagogique

Ce livret pédagogique propose un parcours en 5 étapes pour enseigner les sujets complexes liés à l’environnement et au développement durable.

Chacune de ces étapes fait avancer les connaissances et les compétences des élèves dans le domaine des négociations internationales sur la biodiversité. Les deux premières étapes introduisent successivement les notions de biodiversité et de négociations internationales. La troisième étape permet aux élèves de s’identifier à l’acteur qu’ils ont choisi de représenter et de s’imprégner de leur rôle. La quatrième étape est le moment phare du projet : les élèves, réunis en délégations, débattent entre eux pour élaborer ensemble des solutions qui feront consensus. Enfin, la cinquième étape permet aux élèves d’agir en réalisant un projet concret en faveur de la biodiversité.

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