Knowledge Hub
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Successful teachers, successful students: Recruiting and supporting society's most crucial profession
This paper describes the vision and key principles guiding the World Bank’s support to countries on teachers.
Training teachers on the job: what works and how to measure it
This paper reviews the existing body of evidence on what kinds of in-service teacher training interventions are most effective, and highlights the knowledge gaps. It reveals the dearth of detail on...
Teacher professional development around the world: the gap between evidence and practice
Many teachers in low- and middle-income countries lack the skills to teach effectively, and professional development (PD) programs are the principal tool that governments use to upgrade those skills...
Teacher quality and cross-country differences in learning in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper studies the effects of two dimensions of teacher quality, subject knowledge and didactic skills, on student learning in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa. It uses data from an international...
The working conditions of teachers in low- and middle-income countries
Student learning levels in low- and middle-income countries are low, and analysis of the proximate causes often points to failures among teachers, whether a lack of content knowledge, high absenteeism...
How to recruit teachers for hard-to-staff schools: A systematic review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries
This research article presents systematic review of government-implemented policies to increase the quantity or quality of teachers in hard-to-staff schools in low- or middle-income countries. The...