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  • pdf
  • 11.04.2024
  • FR  |  ES

Panama. The state of public teacher policies

This report analyses the state of public teacher policies in Panama. It was prepared with the support of the Inter-American Dialogue and Unidos por la Educación [United for Education], in the Republic...
  • pdf
  • 11.04.2024
  • FR  |  ES

Honduras. The state of public teacher policies

This document is part of a series of follow-up reports on teacher policies by the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL). These reports seek to foster informed debates on...
Declaration / Statement
  • pdf
  • 26.01.2023
  • FR  |  ES

Open letter to world leaders. Education Day 2023

Open letter launched by youth leaders and global influencers on the International Day of Education 2023 to call on governments and the international community to stand by their commitments and to...
Declaration / Statement
  • pdf
  • 01.12.2022
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Youth declaration on transforming education

The Youth Declaration was presented as young people’s inputs to the Transforming Education Summit Chair Summary/Secretary-General’s Vision Statement. Its aim is to drive political commitment on the...
Policy brief
  • pdf
  • 18.11.2020

Policy Paper on Mobile Learning - Palestine

The Palestinian Authority with support from the Belgian Development Cooperation implemented from 2011 till 2015 the project “E-learning Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Education” in several...