Knowledge Hub
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The working conditions of teachers in low- and middle-income countries
Student learning levels in low- and middle-income countries are low, and analysis of the proximate causes often points to failures among teachers, whether a lack of content knowledge, high absenteeism...
Should we continue student learning during covid19? A question of Maslow before Bloom
Should we continue student learning during Covid19? What a profound question to ponder during these incredible times. Teachers must ask themselves this question: Are my students ready to learn today...
How should we continue student learning during COVID-19?
In a previous blog post, we discussed whether we should proceed with student learning during COVID19. In this one we will look at how we should do it, reflecting on the challenges of addressing...
News item
Teachers voices - Call for Contribution
The COVID-19 crisis is one of the biggest disruption of education the world has faced in recent history. As over 1 billion learners have now moved their learning online, the International Task Force...
Declaration / Statement
Final Declaration of the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum Montego Bay, Jamaica
The recommendations present in this declaration stem from the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 which took place in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 5...
Mobile Learning Week 19 Strategy Lab Proceedings
In an effort to better understand the potential role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2019 was convened to focus on the role of AI and sustainable development...