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  • 20.05.2022

Teacher Wellbeing Guidance Note - launch event

Register here and join us for the launch of INEE's Guidance Note: Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings.

This publication is part of a larger project funded by Education Cannot Wait, to develop a Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit in order to support EiE practitioners to meet the needs of teachers in their local context.

This INEE Minimum Standards-aligned Guidance Note is an opportunity to put teacher wellbeing at the center of our response and recovery efforts in conflict and crisis-affected settings. Not just because an investment in teachers is an investment in children and adolescents, but because at this moment in history teachers deserve our unparalleled attention as an end unto itself.

We invite you to engage in this session by learning about the development and content of the Guidance Note and participating in a Q&A discussion with our panelists:

  • Abla Assaf, Education Technical Officer - Palestine, Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Amy Parker, Learning through Play Programme Lead, Save the Children Denmark – plus former TiCC co-chair
  • Chris Henderson, Co-Chair, Teachers in Crisis Contexts Collaborative, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies and Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Julia Finder Johna, Senior Education Advisor on Education in Crisis and Conflict at USAID- plus PSS-SEL Collaborative co-chair
  • Jwalin Patel (PhD), President, Together In Development & Education Foundation
  • Nikhit D'Sa, Ed.D. Assistant Professor and Senior Associate Director of Research, Global Center for the Development of the Whole Child
  • Raksha Sule, Education Program Manager (Myanmar), People In Need.
  • Sophia D’Angelo, PhD, Independent Consultant

The webinar will take place at 1pm UTC on Wednesday 1st June 2022. Click here to convert to your time zone.

For more information please contact Rachel Smith (

  • 19.05.2022

Consultation on 2023 GEM Report on technology and education

See the Consultation Report here

The 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report will examine education challenges to which appropriate use of technology can offer solutions, while recognizing that many of the solutions proposed may also be detrimental. The report will examine issues of access, equity, and inclusion in education, looking at ways through technology can help reach disadvantaged learners but also ensure more knowledge reaches more learners in more engaging and cheaper formats.

The report will also explore three system-wide conditions that need to be met for any technology in education to reach its full potential: ensuring that all learners have access to technology resources, protecting learners from the risks of technology through appropriate governance and regulation and supporting all teachers to teach, use and deal with technology effectively.

In a rapidly changing world affected by technology, and in the aftermath of the global COVID-19 pandemic, teachers face large and increasing demands to engage with technology in education and develop related competencies. As a result, this consultation, convened by the Teacher Task Force and the GEM Report, will look into the way that education systems can support all teachers to teach, use and deal with technology effectively.

Teachers face many barriers to the use of technology. Therefore, in order to identify the best ways to help teachers teach and use technology effectively, the discussion will focus on three key issues, including the lack of access, training and system support. Each area will be discussed on separate rooms:

  1. Barriers to access and equity
  2. Teacher professional development and pedagogy
  3. Systemic support and collaboration



This event is by invitation only, if you wish to participate or need more information, please contact Soto Echeverri, Emilia (

  • 18.05.2022

Transforming Education Summit – First public consultation on the discussion paper on teachers

In the lead-up to the Transforming Education Summit 2022,  the first public consultation focused on the discussion paper prepared as part of the Action Track 3 on “Teachers, teaching and the teaching profession”.

Replay the consultation here.

The second consultation, on 14 June, will focus on the promising practices and potential new initiatives.

Action Track 3 is being led by representatives of two member states (Nigeria and Romania) and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 has been officially designated as the co-lead stakeholder. The work of the Action Track is being supported by the UN Support team, comprised of the International Labor Organisation (anchor), and UNESCO (alternate), UNICEF, UNHCR, UNRWA and the World Bank.

  • 16.05.2022

Higher education teachers: reinventing the future of the profession

For more information and registration, see here.

This roundtable on higher education teachers is part of the World Higher Education Conference 2022, to be held in Barcelona on 18-20 May. The discussion will be led by UNESCO PLS and ILO focusing on the challenges of the teaching profession for reinventing higher education.

This 3rd World Higher Education Conference will bring together all relevant stakeholders to define and prepare their roadmap for a new era of higher education systems and institutions. This roadmap will be responsive to the challenges faced by humanity and the planet, as a result of diverse forms of crises, with special attention to the global disruption created by COVID-19. Furthermore, higher education must anticipate and prepare for its role in societies that goes beyond the next decade, inspired by the Futures of Education initiative, mentioned above.

It aims at breaking away from the traditional models of higher education and opening doors to new, innovative, creative, and visionary conceptions that not only serve current agendas for sustainable development, but also pave the way for future learning communities that overcome barriers, speak to all and are inclusive of all lifelong learners.

  • 13.05.2022

Reimagining teachers, teaching and teacher education policy in the Global South | International symposium

The Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE) and the SARCHI Chair for Teaching and Learning are organising an International Symposium on Reimagining teachers, teaching and teacher education policy in the Global South: Current experiences and future implications.

The aim of the symposium is to:

  • provide a platform for dialogue and debate about teacher education in the Global South
  • consider a future teacher education agenda in and of the Global South

Speakers include:

  • Prof Crain Soudien (Centre for International Teacher Education, South Africa)
  • Prof Padma Sarangapani (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
  • Dr Yohanna William (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
  • Prof John Nyambe (University of Namibia)
  • Dr Kristina Stutchbury (Open University, UK)

For more information, please contact Dr Marcina Singh,

Please register here.

  • 13.05.2022

Reimagining teachers, teaching and teacher education policy in the Global South | International symposium

The Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE) and the SARCHI Chair for Teaching and Learning are organising an International Symposium on Reimagining teachers, teaching and teacher education policy in the Global South: Current experiences and future implications.

The aim of the symposium is to:

  • provide a platform for dialogue and debate about teacher education in the Global South
  • consider a future teacher education agenda in and of the Global South

Speakers include:

  • Prof Crain Soudien (Centre for International Teacher Education, South Africa)
  • Prof Padma Sarangapani (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
  • Dr Yohanna William (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
  • Prof John Nyambe (University of Namibia)
  • Dr Kristina Stutchbury (Open University, UK)

For more information, please contact Dr Marcina Singh,

Please register here.

  • 13.05.2022

Reimagining teachers, teaching and teacher education policy in the Global South | International symposium

The Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE) and the SARCHI Chair for Teaching and Learning are organising an International Symposium on Reimagining teachers, teaching and teacher education policy in the Global South: Current experiences and future implications.

The aim of the symposium is to:

  • provide a platform for dialogue and debate about teacher education in the Global South
  • consider a future teacher education agenda in and of the Global South

Speakers include:

  • Prof Crain Soudien (Centre for International Teacher Education, South Africa)
  • Prof Padma Sarangapani (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
  • Dr Yohanna William (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
  • Prof John Nyambe (University of Namibia)
  • Dr Kristina Stutchbury (Open University, UK)

For more information, please contact Dr Marcina Singh,

Please register here.

  • 06.05.2022

Exchanging Best Practices and Support to Teachers in EiE Situations

Please register here.

This webinar is part of the INEE Meet-Ups, which are informal gatherings in all corners of the globe where INEE members and others can network, share experiences, and discuss relevant topics. This topical meets-up will discuss best practices and support for teachers in emergencies situation.

Join us on 19 May at 17.00 UTC time.

For more information, please visit the INEE website or contact