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  • International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030,
    International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • 2022
  • 12
  • 367.39 KB
  • pdf
  • EN

Transforming Education Summit - Action Track 3 on Teachers, teaching and the teaching profession - discussion paper (second draft)

As part of the global preparation for the 2022 Transforming Education Summit, the third thematic Action Track will be focusing on “Teachers, teaching and the teaching profession”.
It will examine responses to issues to transform education, including: i) teacher shortages; ii) teaching personnel qualifications and emerging professional development needs, iii) status and working conditions and; iv) Teacher leadership and innovation.

This discussion paper aims to inform and inspire reflections and discussions, including in the National Consultations to be organized as part of the Summit preparation processes. It aims to include four key recommendations to inform the Summit and national voluntary commitments.

This discussion paper:

  • provides evidence-informed recommendations for action at the country level;
  • identifies successful policy interventions and good practices; and
  • provides suggestions for collective follow-up action at the global level, building on and strengthening existing initiatives, partnerships or coalitions.

Comments and input for the discussion paper are welcome. Please indicate the exact text you would like to add, delete or amend, as well as the source of information. The discussion paper aims to be a succinct summary of key trends, issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the teaching profession. Short submissions are preferred. Written feedback is welcome and can be sent to Input is welcome until 30 June.

Action Track 3 is being led by representatives of two member states (Nigeria and Romania) and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 has been officially designated as the co-lead stakeholder. The work of the Action Track is being supported by the UN Support team, comprised of the International Labor Organisation (anchor), and UNESCO (alternate), UNICEF, UNHCR, UNRWA and the World Bank.