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  • 07.11.2024

Amplifying Teachers' Voices: Transforming Education through Stories, Research, and Practice

Carlos Vargas, Head of the Teacher Task Force Secretariat, will participate in the webinar "Amplifying Teachers' Voices," organized by the Jacobs Foundation on 18 November at 3:00 pm CET.

Hosted by Nina Alonso, an international educational researcher specializing in equal access to learning and culture, this teacher-led, global event will spotlight teachers' stories, elevate the teaching profession’s status, and foster dialogue between educators and key stakeholders in teacher development.

The event will also introduce the new Teachers' Voices online repository—a resource of teacher stories and educational research designed to support teachers and educational stakeholders worldwide.

For further information and to register, please click here.

  • 05.11.2024

Global Teacher Prize - Call for nominations for the 9th edition

We are pleased to announce that applications and nominations are now open for the ninth edition of the Global Teacher Prize.

Launched in 2014, during the second edition of the Global Education and Skills Forum, in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), the Prize is funded and organised by the Varkey Foundation - a key member of the Teacher Task Force - in collaboration with UNESCO and in partnership with GEMS Education. The finalists and winners of the ninth edition of the Prize will be announced in early 2025.

By aiming to highlight the central role of educators in all parts of the world, as well as the importance of acknowledging and valuing teachers’ impact on their students and on their communities, the Prize will reward an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. As a result, the selected laureate is presented with a US $1 million award.

The Prize is open to currently working teachers who teach children that are in compulsory schooling, or are between the ages of five and eighteen. Teachers who teach children age 4+ in an Early Years government-recognised curriculum are also eligible, as are teachers who teach on a part-time basis, and teachers of online courses. Teachers must spend at least 10 hours per week teaching children face-to-face, and plan to remain in the teaching profession for the next 5 years. The Prize is open to teachers in every kind of school and, subject to local laws, in every country in the world.

Key dates:

  • Application and nomination deadline: 9th December 2024 (09:00 GMT)
  • Successful entrants will be notified by early 2025
  • The Top 50, Top 10 and winner will be announced in early 2025 dates TBA.

Applications and nominations may be submitted following registration in the dedicated awards platform.

Candidates will be evaluated by a prominent Global Teacher Prize Academy, composed of various civil society members, including head-teachers, educational experts, commentators, journalists, public officials, tech entrepreneurs, company directors and scientists, from different parts of the world.

  • 29.10.2024

Webinar: Open Educational Resources in Vocational Education and Training: a leverage for inclusion and innovation

The objective of the webinar is to build capacity of Vocational Education and Training (VET) leaders and practitioners on the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), as a way to increase the innovation potential and inclusion of their educational offer. OER are  teaching and learning materials intentionally released with open licenses, that give users the right to own, share, and in most cases, modify them. Within Higher Education, the use of OER has shown the potential to reduce accessibility barriers and at the same time to support co-creation practices, but in the VET sector the use of these approaches is still limited.

During the webinar, the concept of OER will be introduced and exemplified through some successful practices of VET schools that are using OER in their daily work, followed by a discussion on how to further promote the use of such resources in TVET.

Register here.


15:00 Welcome and Introduction to the webinar, Fabio Nascimbeni, ETF

15:05 Open Educational Resources: a smart approach for inclusion and innovation, Lisa Petrides, ISKME and ICDE

15:30 Cases of high-impact OER use within VET

  • OER Champions for colleges in Ontario. Mary Gu, eCampus Ontario
  • AI and OER, Open Content for Future Learning, Ulf Ehlers, Dual University of Baden Wuttemberg

16: 00 Existing OER support tools for VET practitioners and leaders

  • The OER practices collection, Max Ehlers, UNESCO-UNEVOC
  • The OER Advocacy Committee, ICDE, Ebba Ossiannilsson

16:20 Ideas and questions collection for future work

16:30 Closing