Centro de conocimientos
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Aumentar la autoeficacia de los docentes de secundaria a la hora de impartir educación integrada en materia de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas a través de una comunidad de práctica colaborativa
La autoeficacia de los docentes puede influir considerablemente en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Los investigadores han estudiado cómo influyen el desarrollo profesional docente y la elaboración...
Shanghai case study: A middle-tier space to support a high performing school system
This case study was carried out as part of the IIEP UNESCO and Education Development Trust research project on ‘Instructional leaders at the middle tier of education systems’. The research looks at...
Documento de política pública
National teachers' standards for Ghana. Guidelines
The National Teachers’ Standards represent the first ever collectively agreed standards to guide teacher preparation and practice in the country. The Standards have been developed as a professional...
Should we continue student learning during covid19? A question of Maslow before Bloom
Should we continue student learning during Covid19? What a profound question to ponder during these incredible times. Teachers must ask themselves this question: Are my students ready to learn today...
How should we continue student learning during COVID-19?
In a previous blog post, we discussed whether we should proceed with student learning during COVID19. In this one we will look at how we should do it, reflecting on the challenges of addressing...