Centro de conocimientos
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From barriers to boosters: initial teacher education for inclusive science education
The paper presents a literature review on current barriers and boosters in the context of initial science teacher education for inclusion. The authors argue that current science teacher education...
Documento de política pública
Alfabetización mediática e informacional: curriculum para profesores
Este Curriculum para Profesores sobre Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional (AMI) es un importante recurso para los Estados Miembros en su trabajo continuo para lograr los objetivos de la...
Change agents - Emerging evidence on instructional leadership at the middle tier
A major concern for policymakers around the world is how to design an entire system of education that provides high quality teaching and learning outcomes. This paper aims to make a significant...
Global managerial education: Reforms and teachers - Emerging policies, controversies and issues in developing contexts
This publication, which has resulted from a collaboration between the Education International Research Institute and the University of Amsterdam’s IS Academie, reveals a global trend of educational...